In this eight-episode series, host Ry Moran (founding Director of the National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation) goes in depth on why... more
In this episode, we’re digging into the stories we’ve been told about the about the history of the lands now... more
A fundamental gap remains between how many Canadians see this country and the realities of living under a colonial settler... more
Around the world, we are witnessing massive amounts of irreversible ecological destruction brought about by the intersecting impacts of colonization,... more
What’s the name of the city, or town, or country that you’re in right now? Do you know where that... more
Around the world, communities are grappling with the traces of systemic violence and human rights violations that exist in the... more
In 2015 carvers Gwaai and Jaalen Edenshaw travelled all the way to Oxford to carve a replica of a masterpiece... more
Why is it so hard for the truths of Indigenous peoples to be heard? What are the roadblocks to truth-telling... more
In this eight episode series, host Ry Moran goes in depth on why we need truth before reconciliation. Over the course... more
Around the world, we are witnessing massive amounts of irreversible ecological destruction brought about by the intersecting impacts of colonization, capitalism, and... more