Mahabharata, an inseparable part of our civilization, is now infested with many distortive and baseless narratives, which, like a parasite, destroy its... more
Who was the biggest culprit of Dyut Sabha? Why "Yudhishthira baiting Draupadi" may have been the least significant event of... more
Who was the biggest culprit of Dyut Sabha? What is that hidden secret of Dyutsabha that most people are unaware... more
S03E09 अनु द्यूत किस कारण युधिष्ठिर ने महाभारत के सबसे काले अध्याय द्यूत सभा के भयावह समापन के बाद फिर से... more
किस कारण अर्जुन ने युधिष्ठिर का समर्थन किया द्यूत सभा में? कायरता या फिर मूर्खता? क्या पाँडवों में कोई धर्म... more
महाभारत का वो एक मात्र राज, जो मैं भी आपको बताना नहीं चाहता — किसने रक्षा की द्रौपदी की चीरहरण... more
महाभारत का वो महत्वपूर्ण प्रसंग जिसे आपने जान कर भी नहीं जाना है, समझ कर भी नहीं समझ है। आखिर... more
That truth of Draupadi insulting Duryodhan you don't know about. Find the true story of when and how exactly Draupadi... more
Based on the authentic references of Mahabharata, the current episode tells the tale of Pandava's Rajsuy yagya in details and... more
Based on the Authentic references of Mahabharata, this episode recounts the victories of Pandavas before proclaiming Yudhishthira, the emperor of... more
Have you ever wondered if Jarasandha was present at the battle of Mahabharata? How would the battle end? Follow the... more