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The Savior is calling on women to shine His Light in our homes, congregations, and communities—and we want to be those women!... more

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You Are on the Brink of Something Wonderful! How to “Count It All for Joy” with Tammy Uzelac Hall

This conversation is so special because it’s a reminder that the things that you’re going through that often feel... more

02 Sep 2024 · 29 minutes
Sheri Dew on Being a Lifelong Seeker of Truth

In our community, we believe women can be a force for good in their circles of influence. One way... more

26 Aug 2024 · 42 minutes
Embracing God's Unexpected Plans for You with Emily Snyder

We all want to make good things happen in our life, our hearts are full of the question, “are... more

19 Aug 2024 · 34 minutes
Start to See the Promised Miracles in Your Life

We’re talking about how to get on an upward spiritual spiral, using an out-of-the-box suggestion from President Nelson – to... more

12 Aug 2024 · 46 minutes
Making the Next Good Choice with Lisa Valentine Clark

There are so many things coming at us! In the hustle and hard of daily life, it can be easy... more

05 Aug 2024 · 54 minutes
Being Prompted and Guided—Not Overwhelmed—with President Nelson's 99+1 Invitation

Last month, President Nelson extended an invitation as he reflected his approaching 100th birthday. He shared about the significance... more

29 Jul 2024 · 34 minutes
What It Takes to Be an Everyday Humanitarian with Sharon Eubank

We are inundated with so much content everyday--both good and bad--and sometimes it’s hard for something to breakthrough the noise.... more

22 Jul 2024 · 38 minutes
Taking Hold of the Stillness Already in Your Life with Carrie Skarda

Sometimes it feels like you’re running so hard that it’s impossible to make time for spirituality. This buzzword of... more

15 Jul 2024 · 36 minutes
God's Love Feels Like Coming Home with Shima Baughman

This recent General Conference, we heard Elder Kearon share a phrase that has resonated with us for a while... more

08 Jul 2024 · 24 minutes
It's Always Worth the Effort: A Magnify Favorite

This month on Magnify, our team has put our heads together to share different episodes from our past nearly 100... more

24 Jun 2024 · 23 minutes
Reflecting on the Strength of Meekness: a Magnify Favorite

As we continue to share some of the Magnify team’s favorites this month, this week's will help remind us about... more

17 Jun 2024 · 18 minutes
A Reminder for Mourning with Those That Mourn: a Magnify Favorite

If you're joining us for the first time this month, we have had members of our Magnify team pick some... more

10 Jun 2024 · 22 minutes
Getting Real about How Difficult Peacemaking Can Be—a Magnify Favorite

Hi and welcome to Magnify. We hope you've had a great month with our bookclub, deeper learning series, and wonderful... more

03 Jun 2024 · 21 minutes
Deeper Learning: The Sacred Privilege of the Temple Garment with Melinda Brown

We’ve all noticed an increasing emphasis on covenants and temples! In April general conference the word “covenants” was used 194... more

28 May 2024 · 57 minutes
Magnify Book Club: The Law of Love in Action by Steve Young

This month's book club pick was The Law of Love in Action by former NFL and BYU quarterback Steve Young. As a... more

21 May 2024 · 37 minutes
Favorite Magnify Moments of Living with Love

As we have been reading The Law of Love in Action for our bookclub this month, it’s brought to mind... more

14 May 2024 · 22 minutes
Peace, Hope, and Comfort are Miracles of Prayer with Kaylen Nelson

This year we felt the Spirit when a special message was given to us from newly set apart acting president... more

07 May 2024 · 28 minutes
Finding Hope and Learning to Let Go with Maria Eckersley

In this episode, Maria Eckersley explains her own "beggar's coat" that Elder Massimo De Feo shared in his recent General... more

30 Apr 2024 · 33 minutes
Recognize, Remember, and Treasure the Rays of the Spirit with Brooke Walker

We're now a couple weeks out of General Conference, and perhaps wondering where to start with our studies. Brooke Walker... more

23 Apr 2024 · 30 minutes
Magnify Special: Honoring Ardeth G. Kapp with Laurel Day, Sheri Dew, and Sharon Larsen

This is one of those times when, as a woman in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, you... more

16 Apr 2024 · 43 minutes
Sharing What Is on Our Hearts from General Conference

Did you enjoy General Conference? It was a weekend full of uplifting messages. There were so many things on our... more

09 Apr 2024 · 34 minutes
The Choice to Be Humble with Andrea Cabrera

If we’re honest, it’s all too easy to forget to rely on God and His good grace. But this is... more

02 Apr 2024 · 29 minutes
Mary Magdalene: An Example of Modern Discipleship with Janiece Johnson

At Magnify, our mission during this special week before Easter is to help us all feel a little holier by... more

26 Mar 2024 · 25 minutes
Jesus Makes Our Family Tree Whole with Shima Baughman

There are some things in life that you have to often take a step back to see a bigger and... more

12 Mar 2024 ·
Placing Christ at the Center of our Lives with Cristi Brazao

It's common for women to want to be full of light and, like Elder Quentin L. Cook said, “striving to... more

05 Mar 2024 · 24 minutes
Let's Label Up! with Eme Martin

The last time you had to introduce yourself, what labels did you use? Did you talk about who you are,... more

27 Feb 2024 · 27 minutes
Trusting in All of God's Promises with Maria Eckersley

We’ve heard it said to “expect the unexpected.” But we can feel at times like our expectations aren't always met.... more

20 Feb 2024 · 29 minutes
God’s Love Notes with Reyna Aburto

Happy Valentine’s Week to the Magnify Community! This holiday is all about celebrating love, and in this week’s episode we... more

13 Feb 2024 · 24 minutes
God's Love is Spacious with Melinda Brown

President Oaks shared in his most recent General Conference address that a distinct doctrine the restored gospel offers is in... more

06 Feb 2024 · 24 minutes
Did I See Jesus Today? with Hilary Craner

Sometimes we’re all guilty of overthinking it and making our own lives too hard. Maybe we even do it with... more

30 Jan 2024 · 27 minutes
The Validating Power of the Holy Ghost with Brooke Walker

We often wonder how to work more effectively with the Holy Ghost. We can overthink the feelings we do get.... more

23 Jan 2024 · 32 minutes
Finding Your Personal Why with Kaylen Nelson

It’s easy to fall into the belief that living the Gospel is a series of boxes to check.  A sort... more

16 Jan 2024 ·
The Path of Happiness with Janelle Gardiner

Happiness: it’s something everyone wants. A host of different voices claim to know the secret to it. In October General... more

09 Jan 2024 · 19 minutes
No Entry Level Requirements with Kalo Latu

Before we start making changes in our lives, we often feel like we have to be good enough, or that... more

02 Jan 2024 · 31 minutes
Magnify Christmas Special with Emma Nissen

Merry Christmas to all our Magnify listeners! This special episode features the amazing and talented Emma Nissen. Emma is a... more

19 Dec 2023 · 28 minutes
Actively Seeking Jesus in our Everyday Life with Andrea Cabrera

I think it’s safe to say — women have a tendency to look backwards over their own shoulders—in effect wondering... more

12 Dec 2023 · 27 minutes
Divine Identity Creates Unity with Shima Baughman

We’d all like to open our arms wider to include others, understand each other and avoid the divisions we see... more

05 Dec 2023 · 27 minutes
The Path is Exciting! with Cristi Brazao

Do you hear the story of the prodigal son and relate a little too much to feeling like there is... more

28 Nov 2023 · 31 minutes
The Blessing of Contentment with Hilary Craner

Have you ever felt like the blessings you were praying for didn’t come in the way you wanted or even... more

21 Nov 2023 · 27 minutes
Trailblazing and Trail Beating with Melinda Brown

Do you ever switch between feeling like you’re either not doing enough or that you’re doing too much when it... more

14 Nov 2023 · 39 minutes
The Shape of God's Embrace with Eme Martin

Have you ever felt like you have to earn God’s love? Or maybe like you’re not sure if he really... more

07 Nov 2023 · 31 minutes
God Loves Us More Than We Will Ever Know with Reyna Aburto

Who is someone who knows you best? Our closest friends, a spouse, or a parent come to mind. Elder Phillips... more

31 Oct 2023 · 29 minutes
The Family Game Plan with Brooke Walker

Do you know that feeling where you feel like you have tunnel vision? Where it’s hard to see the forest... more

24 Oct 2023 · 34 minutes
October Magnify Book Club: Prophets See Around Corners by Sheri Dew

Welcome to The Magnify Book Club! We want YOU to be in the club, so join us here and on... more

20 Oct 2023 · 27 minutes
Some Assembly Required with Maria Eckersley

Have you ever found that with your own spiritual gifts, the labels read “some assembly required” like the toys you... more

17 Oct 2023 · 34 minutes
The Fabulous Plan with Kaylen Nelson

Did you catch all the exclamation points in President Nelson's invitation to "Think Celestial" and wonder how to apply this... more

10 Oct 2023 · 34 minutes
Finding the Courage to Live Different with Lisa Valentine Clark

It might be more comfortable to try to blend in, but when we find the confidence to live differently than... more

26 Sep 2023 · 38 minutes
The Risk to Trust God with Barbara Morgan Gardner

We’ve spent the last few months really digesting and taking in President Nelson’s message “Peacemakers Needed.” As we have talked... more

19 Sep 2023 · 36 minutes
The Healing Power of Forgiveness with Corrine Stokoe

Have you ever felt like forgiveness is a much easier gift to give than to receive? It can be really... more

12 Sep 2023 · 38 minutes
Designed for Connection with Jenet Erickson

Have you ever described someone, or given a compliment that someone is fiercely independent? What if we switch that idea... more

05 Sep 2023 · 38 minutes
Putting on Your Heavenly Crown with Elaine Dalton

Choosing grace and poise instead of hot takes and big reactions isn’t popular in our culture, but maybe it’s just... more

29 Aug 2023 · 30 minutes
Let's Prepare for Peace with Brooke Walker

What are you preparing for right now? A trip? Dinner? Getting your crew ready to go back to school? Well,... more

22 Aug 2023 · 28 minutes
Compassion Is for Everyone with Cali Black

Compassion is a call to action. It helps us reach beyond comfort zones, friend circles, and ward boundaries to serve... more

15 Aug 2023 · 33 minutes
Cheering For Peace with Tammy Uzelac Hall

Do you have a friend who can brighten your whole day because of how encouraging they are? Or perhaps you... more

08 Aug 2023 · 32 minutes
The Power of Trying with Cristi Brazao

An important part of our Heavenly Father’s plan is that he doesn’t want us to simply do what is right,... more

01 Aug 2023 · 40 minutes
Changing the World Through Respect with Emily Snyder

The dictionary definition of respect is, “to consider someone worthy of high regard or esteem.” The scriptures tell us that... more

25 Jul 2023 · 39 minutes
Filling Our Lives with Honesty with Kayla Jackson

In Philippians 4, Paul shared: “whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest…think on these things.” We’ve heard it before... more

18 Jul 2023 · 38 minutes
Meekness Is Strength with Shima Baughman

Being meek doesn’t have to equal being timid and quiet. What if we saw meekness as a principle of power... more

11 Jul 2023 ·
Choosing Peace and the Prince of Peace with Brooke Casanovas

As we continue in our “pursuit of peace,” it’s helpful to understand how agency plays a role in being a... more

27 Jun 2023 · 40 minutes
Strengthening Our Humility with Maria Eckersley

Do we sometimes look at being humble as being self-deprecating or diminishing our strengths? Being humble doesn’t equal being unimportant.... more

20 Jun 2023 · 43 minutes
Exercising Patience for Peace with Tara Bench

In today’s world, patience is a virtue that seems to be diminishing. We have access to everything so rapidly. Every... more

13 Jun 2023 · 31 minutes
How Charity can be Magnified with Brooke Romney

As our community continues in the “pursuit of peace,” one attribute that encompasses all the other attributes of a peacemaker... more

06 Jun 2023 · 40 minutes
Doing What Matters Most with Rebecca Craven

Effort! It’s a word President Nelson emphasizes often. He not only talks about it but has demonstrated it throughout his... more

30 May 2023 · 32 minutes
Finding Relief in Christ with Kaylen Nelson

In this world, relief is a feeling that we all crave as we are dealing with life’s burdens placed upon... more

23 May 2023 · 39 minutes
Paving the Path to Peace with Lisanne Murphy and Nassari Everett

President Nelson’s conference address, “Peacemakers Needed,” felt like a landmark talk and it resonated so much with our community. Here... more

16 May 2023 · 31 minutes
Practicing, Not Perfecting Mothering with Lori Thurston

If Mother’s Day is hard for you, know that you’re not alone! Mother’s Day is this week and while it’s a... more

09 May 2023 · 37 minutes
God is Our Guide in Parenting with Shawni Pothier and Saren Loosli

The call to parent in this life is one that Elder Uchtdorf said, “reflects the pattern of heaven.” The opportunity... more

02 May 2023 · 47 minutes
Turning Everyday Routines into Sacred Moments with Jennifer Platt

When we figure out how to discover meaning in the most mundane of tasks, we can find opportunities to feel... more

25 Apr 2023 · 34 minutes
Finding Meaning When Heaven is Quiet with Emily Adams

Have you had moments where you poured out your heart to God again and again and felt met with silence... more

18 Apr 2023 · 41 minutes
We Need Your Influence with Dr. Sarah Coyne

As women, we are asked to do a lot, and sometimes it feels like we aren’t doing enough. But President... more

11 Apr 2023 · 24 minutes
God is Our Guide in Parenting with Shawni Pothier and Saren Loosli

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The call to parent in this life is one that Elder Uchtdorf said, “reflects the pattern of heaven.” The opportunity to help... more