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College Is Fine, Everything's Fine

Author: Dr. Sarah Olivo and Dr. Liz Seidler

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College can be...really social, and pretty lonely. A time of amazing freedom, and a total pressure cooker. The best years of your life, except when it's not. We're Dr. Sarah Olivo and Dr. Liz Seidler, two clinical psychologists who've helped students navigate the highs and lows of college for over a decade. In this podcast, we listen to your stories and use them as our guide. Hear us give actionable advice to students just like you who are trying to balance work and fun, manage the pressures of school, and feel at home in the dorm. This podcast is a reminder that you're not alone. We all need a bit of help tuning out the noise, finding humor in the struggle, and doing the hard work of living "the best four years of your life."Follow us for episode announcements on Tik Tok and Insta: @collegeisfinepodcast
50 Episodes
By now most of your finals are over, and hopefully you are making plans for a fun summer. We wanted to end this season with a microdose episode that will get you through any tough moments you may have over the summer and to keep in your mind when you get back on campus in the fall. Whether you are going through a break-up, disappointed with your semester grades or confused about your future career, using effective coping skills will help you weather any emotional storm. You might ...
Whether you are finishing your finals or a HS senior getting ready to transition to college, we wanted to end this year’s season with two microdose episodes with tips on how to manage college stress. When we are burned out, overwhelmed and feel like the wheels have really fallen off, we can guarantee there are at least one of the following four letters you need to pay more attention to. In this microdose episode we share four areas that if you are not attending to you will inevita...
Once again we got so lucky to have today’s guest, Dr. Jessica Stern, a psychologist, advisor and consultant for Wondermind, Doctor Radio, and SELF Magazine. It’s pretty clear that she not only teaches ways to be more productive in your life, but she also practices some of these tricks herself because this woman is crazy productive!This week’s episode is for you if you:*Feel like your hustling but never feel like your work is finished*Want to learn why you procrastinate*Need ways to declutter ...
“I don’t belong here.”“Everyone else knows what to do.”“When will people figure out I’m an imposter?”This is the third episode in our shame series, and it helps answer one of the questions we get asked most. “Am I the only one who feels like an imposter at college?”Well, we brought out a real heavy hitter when we interviewed Dr. Jill Stoddard, veteran psychologist, podcaster and author of Imposter No More. I mean, did we nail it or what? Tune in if you:Have ever wondered “Do I belong here?”Wo...
We’ve all been there. The hot-headed comment to a friend, the accidental text to the wrong group, a late-night DM sent under less than sober circumstances…The shame and embarrassment that can happen when we’ve made these kinds of mistakes can make you want to hide in your room for the rest of the semester. But Dr. Colleen Lang is here with some good news and essential how-tos when it comes to bouncing back from those “social suicide” moments. Listen in as Dr. Lang shares:Common thinking ...
Out of all the emotions we have, shame (and its cousin, embarrassment) tends to feel the worst. And since it feels the worst, it often makes us act in some ugly and super unhelpful ways. We tend to yell, hide, blame and injure - both ourselves and people we care about - when we feel shame. This microdose episode kicks off our “Shame Series,” where we describe:what the emotions of shame and embarrassment are, when we tend to feel these emotions,how we can tell whether our emotions “f...
Busy schedules, late nights, and erratic sleeping patterns often lead to inconsistent eating habits in college. A diet of ramen, pizza, and endless supplies of coffee is the norm on many campuses. We know that taking care of your body is just as important as getting a 4.0 (and maybe the key to getting one), but college life often makes it difficult to avoid bad eating habits. As two former college students who may have not made the wisest dining choices, we knew we had to find an expert on nu...
Social media gets a bad wrap, and sometimes that’s fair (hello “Text Neck Syndrome” and ties to loneliness, depression and body image issues). But social media isn’t going anywhere, and we think it’s time for a more balanced discussion. There is no one better to guide us than Dr. Devorah Heitner, author of Growing Up in Public. She has researched this topic relentlessly, drawing on hundreds of interviews with not only parents and educators, but kids, teenagers and young adults. Dr. Heitn...
Happy 2024! We couldn’t be more excited to have @drpatriceberry help us start the new year. Dr. Patrice Berry is a psychologist, author, and all around kick-ass person who has brought her smarts to social media. She’s *so* good at giving quick and sound advice on Tik Tok that Harvard School of Public Health #HarvardChan selected her as one of the top mental health content creators IN THE COUNTRY.So yes, she has some pretty snazzy credentials, but what we really love about her is the qual...
Hi crew! We did something a little different this week. In Sarah's "other life," she runs Lumate Academy, the training and education department for Lumate Health. (Check it out! She recently sat down with veteran child and adolescent psychologist Dr. Anne Marie Albano to share tips with parents on how navigate their college freshman's first long visit home. If you're about head back and think your parents/caregivers could use some tips, make sure to share this episode with t...
The S word. No, not the one that adds a dollar to Sarah’s swear jar, the other one: sex. A topic drilled into our heads in health class with catchy phrases like “no means no.” But beyond one unit in a single semester course, sex probably hasn’t been mentioned by any adults in any great detail ever again (except maybe your parents, eww…). Don’t worry, in this episode we are not going to bore you with biology or anything close to that. Instead we want to talk about a topic we all have mixed fee...
When was the last time you logged onto Tik Tok, Instagram or Snapchat? We bet many of you reading this were engaged in one of these platforms within the past few minutes. A recent study found that the average college student spends 17 hours/week on social media, with most spending 2-3 hours per day on these platforms. Studies show that staying so highly connected online and being exposed to enormous amounts of content can take a serious toll on your mental health, relationships and your produ...
In this week’s episode, we tackle the incredibly important topic of race on campus. We were so lucky to have author and psychologist Dr. Matthew Kane guide us through this conversation with such a level of depth, warmth and intelligence. Yes, Sarah and Dr. Kane discuss his book Walk with Me, which highlights stories of black men navigating the COVID pandemic and the Black Lives Matter movement. Just as importantly, Dr. Kane shares why their stories are equally important today, helping us unde...
Sadie Sutton, intrepid mental health advocate and host of the She Persisted podcast, also happens to be a college student at UPenn. But it took guts, hard work in therapy, and a lot of support to get to where she is today. Now she freely shares the skills she learned from Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), both how to use DBT skills when you’re struggling, as well as bite-sized tips for how to handle just about any roadblock that can happen in a typical college semester. Her work is tru...
We’re back for our “second semester” of this podcast! Lots of transition on our end. Sarah moved to a new town and Liz is mourning the loss of her fun-girl summer. And we know that getting back into the habit of “college” is a transition, too. Even if you were counting down the days to get back on campus, switching from home to school can be stressful. We wanted to share our top 3 tips (and a bonus tip) for getting back into the swing of things:In this episode you’ll hear ways to: Check ...
The expectations of college students have never been greater. It’s a perfect storm of pressures that can set college students on a fixed path towards dissatisfaction and burnout. College students are often shaped into deprioritizing their own needs by overworking and focusing on achieving successful outcomes. In this week’s episode we speak with Emi Nietfeld, mental health advocate, journalist and author of the book Acceptance, a memoir. Tune in to hear Emi discuss:The ...
Now that you know the worry myths to look out for, the next step is to figure out whether your worry is actual or hypothetical. This is easier said than done. But knowing the difference is key. Why? Because knowing the difference leads you to the most effective way to manage it. We promise this will make sense once you listen. You will leave this episode with a worry decision tree to help you categorize what type of worry you are struggling with and then what action steps are most beneficial....
We’ve never heard someone say they enjoy worrying. And yet, there are a lot of secret beliefs about why worrying is helpful. If you’re holding onto these beliefs, chances are it’s going to be harder for people to help you worry less. So let’s get ahead of that and tell you five things people often believe about worry:It’s the same as problem solving.It motivates me.It shows I care.It helps me prepare for bad feelings in the future.It keeps bad things from happening (superstition).You might be...
ADHD might have more myths surrounding it than any other diagnosis. What words do you think of when you hear those four letters? The answer probably depends on the messages you got from your friends, family and community. And it might depend on whether you know you have it or simply think you might. Either way, college has a way of having us rethink what we learned at home. And hopefully we can help you think a bit more openly about what ADHD really is and how it might look on campus. In...
It would be hard to find a college student on campus right now who isn’t stressed for some reason. A recent survey found that half of all college students report severe psychological consequences to stress. This survey also reported high rates of unhealthy coping behaviors in response to stress. April is Stress Awareness Month and we wanted to take some time to ask students two questions: 1. Why is college so stressful? 2. And what helps manage college stressors? In this episode you wil...
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