Welcome to the 1980s, where the war on drugs rages on and America's teenagers are caught in the crossfire. Enter Straight Incorporated,... more
The Seed is heading down a dark and dangerous path, but nobody seems to realize it, except for the kids.... more
To understand Straight, we have to look back at its predecessor: The Seed. This Florida-based rehab center was founded by... more
On Halloween of 1982, a Florida teenager named Valerie is kidnapped from her home, by her own mom. She ends... more
Welcome to the 1980s, where the war on drugs rages on and America's teenagers are caught in the crossfire. Enter... more
Chuck Dederich's story reaches its conclusion. Whether or not Synanon does is up for debate. To learn more about listener data and our privacy... more
Chuck is consumed by paranoia and Synanon erupts in violence. To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices... more
After Chuck's wife Betty passes away, he quickly finds a new partner, and he instructs his followers to find new... more
Chuck declares that there will be no more children born in Synanon, and he goes to great lengths to make... more
Chuck breaks one of his two rules for Synanon, no violence, beginning with his youngest followers. To learn more about listener... more
Legend, ritual, religion, LSD. Chuck experiments with all of it on his followers in Synanon. To learn more about listener... more