Tired of the same old dating problems; after years of matchmaking and date coaching Katy has the real-deal, down to earth dating... more
How did this former stripper manage to finally heal and find love? You’ll be blown away by today’s podcast episode. My guest... more
Don't hire a matchmaker until you listen to this! Welcome to Dating With Katy's first ever interview style podcast! Going forward I... more
There are 5 things I need you to know about kissing. In dating it’s crucial for you to know things like, When,... more
You’ll be shocked by some of these poll results regarding porn and dating. Today I’ll be debunking some of the common... more
There’s a crisis happening in the dating world right now. A crisis I refer to as The Mandemic. And it’s been spreading... more
Have you ever been in an ‘unhealthy’ relationship? (Or maybe you’re in one now 🤔) If so you need to listen... more
‘The Dating with Katy’ podcast is finally back and we’re starting off with a can’t miss topic. The thing is.. My husband... more
Which dating trends in 2024 are worth jumping on? And which ones are a waste of your time? I’m going to share... more
Are you sure that you’ve done “The Work” needed to get yourself an amazing partner!? Many people claim to have done... more
It’s essential that men understand these 11 things if they want that 2nd date and beyond. 11 qualities that women just... more