This is a story about a woman who came to be known as The Horse Queen. She owned hundreds of champion quarter... more
A single gunshot left Diane McIver dead and her husband Tex at the center of a deadly mystery - but... more
Years after Rita’s arrest, the people of Dixon gather in the town’s historic movie theater to watch a documentary about... more
Dixon wants its money back… so they sue the accounting firm that did the city’s annual audits. Mayor Burke decides... more
On her ranch in Dixon, US Marshals auction off hundreds of Rita’s horses. Leonard and Leigh Berryhill want to buy... more
Rita Crundwell’s 30-year crime spree comes to an end and Dixon finds out just how much she stole. As the... more
The Dixon City Clerk stumbles across a secret bank account. Mayor Jim Burke calls the Feds. Unlock all episodes of Crooked... more
Welcome to Horse World, where Rita Crundwell reigns as queen. She hires Leonard and Leigh Berryhill to train her prized... more
Who is Rita Crundwell? Alexa journeys to Dixon to find out. Unlock all episodes of Crooked City: Dixon, IL, ad-free, right... more
It’s 1950 and the neighborly people of Dixon gather in their historic theater to watch a movie starring their hometown... more
This is a story about a woman who came to be known as The Horse Queen. She owned hundreds of... more