Audio narrations of LessWrong posts. Includes all curated posts and all posts with 125+ karma.If you'd like more, subscribe to the “Lesswrong... more
Midjourney, “Fourth Industrial Revolution Digital Transformation”This is a little rant I like to give, because it's something I learned on... more
[Conflict of interest disclaimer: We are FutureSearch, a company working on AI-powered forecasting and other types of quantitative reasoning. If... more
This is a link post. --- First published: ... more
Epistemic status: these are my own opinions on AI risk communication, based primarily on my own instincts on the subject... more
In my last post, I wrote that no resource out there exactly captured my model of epistemology, which is why... more
Our new video is an adaptation of That Alien Message, by @Eliezer Yudkowsky. This time, the text has been significantly... more
Personally, I suspect the alignment problem is hard. But even if it turns out to be easy, survival may still... more
IntroIn April 2024, my colleague and I (both affiliated with Peking University) conducted a survey involving 510 students from Tsinghua... more
Paging Gwern or anyone else who can shed light on the current state of the AI market—I have several questions.Since... more
If you ask the internet if breastfeeding is good, you will soon learn that YOU MUST BREASTFEED because BREAST MILK... more