When the People Decide, a podcast from the McCourtney Institute for Democracy at Penn State, explores the promise — and sometimes peril... more
We're excited to bring you an episode fro Top of Mind, a podcast from BYU Radio about becoming better citizens... more
If you enjoyed our episode on civic media, you'll want to check out this episode the podcast Local News Matters,... more
The final episode of the season takes a step back from individual democracy reforms to look at what it will... more
Some 2,500 newspapers have closed in the U.S since 2005, leaving entire communities without a source for local news, as... more
In this episode, we visit Petaluma, California to learn about how the city opened up the decision making process about... more
Amid book bans and restrictions on programming, things seem pretty rough for libraries right now. But that doesn't mean we... more
Take a deep dive into the practice of participatory budgeting and learn how it can bring civic power to people... more
This season's first episode explores what happens when neighbors and local government work together to make their communities stronger and... more
When the People Decide is back for a second season starting July 17. This time, we're exploring civic innovation at... more
In this bonus episode, we hear from Roger Asterino, a former Cincinnati city employee whose story was at the heart... more
Amid book bans and restrictions on programming, things seem pretty rough for libraries right now. But that doesn't mean we can't fight... more