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Answers May Vary
Three Heads

Helping teachers who value high-quality curriculum but are tired of sacrificing self-care, family time, and time with students to create it. If... more

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Reflections on Leaving the Classroom: One Year Later

We left the classroom a little more than a year ago and are reflecting on what we've learned and new... more

21 Jun 2023 · 21 minutes
Plays to Teach in Your High School English Classroom

As a teacher, deciding which plays to teach is a rite of passage all its own. Will you stick to... more

07 Jun 2023 · 19 minutes
Is English Class Still Relevant? ELA Skills Students Need

In this episode of the podcast, we're discussing whether traditional ELA instruction provides our students with the skills they most... more

24 May 2023 · 26 minutes
Class Discussion Strategies to Get Everyone Participating

Ideally, we'd like to have all of our students participating in class discussion. When too many students aren't participating,... more

10 May 2023 · 20 minutes
What We've Learned from Our Most Challenging Students

The difficulties posed by challenging students and classes can really wear a teacher down. Our misery will often make us... more

26 Apr 2023 · 22 minutes
Five(ish) Simple Strategies for Building Reading Stamina

Do you dread those days when you're expecting your students to read in class? If your students don't like to... more

12 Apr 2023 · 16 minutes
Improving Parent-Teacher Communication

How do you feel about your level of parent-teacher communication? Is it something you've got down? Is it your teacher... more

29 Mar 2023 · 18 minutes
Long Time, No Break

March is, arguably, the worst month for teachers, though October certainly puts up a good fight for itself. We’ve been... more

15 Mar 2023 · 17 minutes
Writing a Research Paper? Try Career Research

Many students are overwhelmed by the seemingly insurmountable task of writing a research paper and emerging writers often shut down... more

01 Mar 2023 · 25 minutes
Teaching Writing Can Be a Struggle

Do you feel like you’re trying strategy after strategy to improve your students’ writing . . . and none of... more

15 Feb 2023 · 18 minutes
How to Introduce a New Book Into Your Curriculum

Have you found a NEW text that you want to add to your curriculum? First of all, congrats! Introducing... more

01 Feb 2023 · 19 minutes
Novels We Love and Hate to Teach

This week's dilemma will be a familiar one for any teacher who has been teaching the same prep for a... more

18 Jan 2023 · 18 minutes
School Grading Systems: Trying to Make Sense of Grades

Traditional grading, standards-based grading, grade floors, it’s all enough to make any teacher’s head spin. What does a student's... more

04 Jan 2023 · 24 minutes
How to Reset for a New Semester

We've all been there before. At some point during the fall semester, the wheels started coming off the bus, the... more

21 Dec 2022 · 24 minutes
Teachers Under Pressure: Semester Grades

Grades. Pressure. Anxiety. For us, these three words were inextricably linked with December (and May) for years. We started to... more

16 Dec 2022 · 27 minutes
Academic Dishonesty: How to Deal With Cheating in Your Classroom

Cheating in the classroom is as much a part of the school experience as bad cafeteria lunches and popular cliques... more

30 Nov 2022 · 21 minutes
Whole Class Discussions: Finding What Works for You

A lively and engaging whole class discussion. We imagine ourselves sitting perched on a stool, steaming cup of coffee in... more

17 Nov 2022 · 13 minutes
Teacher Tips: Responding to Criticism (Because It's Inevitable)

Whether it comes from parents, students, counselors, or administrators, as a teacher, you will inevitably hear criticism about the decisions... more

03 Nov 2022 · 30 minutes
Grading Papers: Help Managing Your Grading Load

Managing the grading load is one of the worst parts of teaching, especially in the ELA classroom where the stacks... more

19 Oct 2022 · 28 minutes
Learning More About the Flipped Classroom

The flipped classroom model has a lot to offer teachers and can be a great benefit to students, but many... more

05 Oct 2022 · 30 minutes
Navigating Assessments in the ELA Classroom

We may not always like it, but assessments are an important part of what we do as classroom teachers. But... more

28 Sep 2022 · 25 minutes
Classroom Management Tips for Secondary Teachers

An often ignored topic for middle school and high school teachers is classroom management. If we get any training, the... more

21 Sep 2022 · 33 minutes
How to Improve What You Find on the Internet

Teachers cannot do it all, nor is it reasonable to expect them to! Let's normalize purchasing lesson plans, unit plans,... more

14 Sep 2022 · 14 minutes
How to Be an Effective Contributor in Your PLC

Joining a PLC is like joining a family. Sometimes you fit right in and it feels like you were born... more

06 Sep 2022 · 29 minutes
Being Real About What You Can (and Cannot) Expect to Accomplish as a Teacher

Part of teacher self-care is knowing what you realistically can and cannot be responsible for, and blurring those categories is... more

29 Aug 2022 · 20 minutes
Trying Something Different This Back-to-School Night

Are you looking for Back to School Night ideas for your middle school or high school classroom? In this episode,... more

24 Aug 2022 · 22 minutes
Helpful Beginning of the School Year Lessons and Units

The first few weeks of school are an important but frantic time, and we’ve found high-interest activities that introduce or... more

17 Aug 2022 · 17 minutes
Making the Most of the First Week of School

The first week of school is an important one, yet it can also be awkward and feel overwhelming trying to... more

10 Aug 2022 · 21 minutes
It's Time to Up Your LMS Game

You've used Google Classroom, but now you want to try something more robust. You've tried Canvas, but are feeling a... more

03 Aug 2022 · 19 minutes
Back to School Shopping: Outfitting Your Classroom

It's just about Back to School time here in California. It's a fresh start for students and teachers, and Answers... more

27 Jul 2022 · 20 minutes
Why We Left the Classroom

It’s no surprise that growing numbers of teachers are quitting, in large part due to teacher burnout. In this week’s... more

18 Jul 2022 · 17 minutes
Being Proactive About Teacher Self-Care

Teacher self-care is never going to fit into our busy schedules unless we are proactive about making space for it.... more

13 Jul 2022 · 24 minutes
Things You Can Do to Help Yourself Stay Organized This School Year

Keeping your classroom organized is one of the first steps toward preserving your sanity. No matter what grade you teach,... more

06 Jul 2022 · 30 minutes
Finding an Independent Reading Program that Works for You

Independent reading is an important part of any ELA classroom, but it can be challenging to find meaningful activities to... more

29 Jun 2022 · 25 minutes
All That Miscellaneous ELA "Stuff"

Grammar, vocabulary, literary devices, college application essays (if you're teaching seniors) plus our regular ELA curriculum - how are we... more

22 Jun 2022 · 25 minutes
How to Make an Old Text Relevant to Today's Students

Textbooks and curriculums are often slow to change, and unless your school has funding (and a desire) to purchase supplemental... more

15 Jun 2022 · 14 minutes
How to Make the Textbook Work for You

This week we're talking about the dreaded textbook dilemma: "Help! I don't like my curriculum." Not all of us have... more

08 Jun 2022 · 20 minutes
Helping Students Meet Your Expectations

This week's dilemma: I created what I thought was a great assignment with a reasonable rubric / answer key, and... more

01 Jun 2022 · 28 minutes
Why We Stopped Assigning Homework

While homework has long been a traditional part of the middle school and high school English class, we moved away... more

25 May 2022 · 20 minutes
Winding Down Your School Year

Give your future fall self a helping by hand by completing some (or all) of these steps before you leave... more

18 May 2022 · 19 minutes
Answers May Vary
Why We Left the Classroom
Answers May Vary

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It’s no surprise that growing numbers of teachers are quitting, in large part due to teacher burnout. In this week’s episode, we... more