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Keep Creating You
Keep Creating You
Kim Parkinson

If you have found yourself looking at the next part of your life and wondering, "What now?" or "Where am I going?"... more

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Marketing Your Life

Marketing is everywhere.  We are constantly being pushed by marketing schemes, tactics, and techniques from every area of our lives. ... more

21 Jul 2022 · 14 minutes
Social Media - Too Much??

Facebook, Instagram, Tik Tok, LinkedIn, Twitter, Pinterest, Clubhouse, YouTube…. How many of these apps do you have on your phone? ... more

14 Jul 2022 · 14 minutes
Finding Happiness in Plan B

Are you struggling to make plan A work?  Are you one of those people that get down on yourself when... more

07 Jul 2022 · 12 minutes
How Do You Know?

Are you listening to your gut?  Do you ignore it because of outside influences?  The ability to listen to our... more

30 Jun 2022 · 12 minutes
Starting Fresh & New

How often do you start over?  Have you made a fresh start on something?  Getting a fresh perspective on things... more

23 Jun 2022 · 12 minutes
Manifesting Your Best

What was your first experience of the word 'manifestation'?  Would you consider yourself a little "woo" and use the word... more

16 Jun 2022 · 13 minutes
Staying Motivated In Life

Are you celebrating those small wins in life?  We often find ourselves not as motivated as we should be but... more

09 Jun 2022 · 17 minutes
Where Do You See Yourself In...

What are your goals for the next year, five years, and ten years?  Have you considered where you see yourself... more

02 Jun 2022 · 14 minutes
Go Forward and Grow

Do you think you’ve been making substantial changes towards growth?  Have you been actively seeking new opportunities to grow –... more

26 May 2022 · 14 minutes
Ch-Ch-Ch Changes…

Change can equate to scary, but change can be good.  Changes have happened so many times in your life.  What... more

19 May 2022 · 15 minutes
Keep Creating You
Marketing Your Life
Keep Creating You