In this limited series, Jamie Loftus investigates and interrogates American spiritualism, a century-old tradition of communing with the dead that takes place... more
In the final episode of Ghost Church (for now), Jamie befriends a Cassadaga medium, reads a manifesto, and looks backwards... more
This week, Jamie takes a look at the second wave of spiritualism in the United States through American Spiritualism's most... more
This week, Jamie goes to a ghost museum, high fives a Jigsaw doll, and takes a look at two religious... more
This week, Jamie heads to the only spiritualist library in the American south -- open two hours a week --... more
This week, Jamie visits a legendary Cassadaga medium and traces the story of spiritualism's Fox sisters to its end --... more
This week, Jamie passes the mic to four women of Cassadaga to tell their stories about how they came to... more
This week, Jamie goes to a table tipping class — a Spiritualist tradition that uses tables to connect people with... more
This week, Jamie returns to Cassadaga for a Gala Day with one Reverend Doctor and one Reverend Doctor / Former... more
American Spiritualism is a frequently invoked, rarely understood religion that hinges on speaking with spirit through mediums. In our first episode, Jamie... more
Jamie Loftus investigates American spiritualism, a tradition of communing with the dead that takes place in camps full of mediums... more
Jamie Loftus investigates American spiritualism, a tradition of communing with the dead that takes place in camps full of mediums across the... more