It didn't seem to matter what happened at the teen treatment center. The state of Utah always gave it another chance. Death.... more
The power of speaking out — and of celebrity. Paris Hilton goes public with allegations against Provo Canyon School. And... more
How did Utah become the epicenter of the teen treatment industry? It's a story of culture. And connections.Read: The answer... more
Even after the police raid Integrity House, the state still doesn’t shut it down. A new owner vows to turn... more
A knock at the door. A police raid. An outpouring of allegations. But the case crumbles when the cops learn... more
From Integrity House to Daniel's house. The lines between the Taylors' business and the Taylor family all but disappear. Plus:... more
With the state off its back, Integrity House is free to grow. We learn what it was like to live... more
A dark cave. A tragic accident. A new treatment center. The state of Utah tries to hold it accountable. But... more
Sent Away is a seven-episode series beginning March 8. New episodes every Tuesday.Learn more: sentaway.orgSupport investigative journalism: Donate now.