Brown v. Board of Education held the promise of creating an integrated school system with equal education for all, but there was... more
We’re thrilled to introduce you to Lemonada Media’s newest podcast from Lemonada and the Minnesota Star Tribune, Ghost of a... more
Traditionally, Black-led nonprofits have only received 2 to 4 percent of total philanthropic funding nationally. That’s in part why Liz... more
The United Nations has declared the teacher shortage a global crisis. Who will teach the next generation of students? How... more
The culture of our schools needs to change. In this episode, we hear from Morgan Jackson and her son and... more
As a teen, Jason Brooks left his hometown of Watts in South L.A. to attend an all-boys boarding school. While... more
Forty percent of Black female undergraduates attending college are parents. This week’s guest is author of “Pregnant Girl,” Nicole Lynn... more
An estimated 38 thousand Black educators and administrators in public schools were fired in the South after the Brown v... more
After the historic Brown v. Board of Education Supreme Court ruling in 1954, thousands of Black teachers lost their jobs... more