A comedy podcast by Amy Hoggart and Sam Martin who play Jamie and Sam, two lads on a mission to make feminism... more
Valentine’s day can be very traumatic for a woman as she nervously awaits the arrival of flowers, chocolates or even... more
This is a free preview of a paid episode. To hear more, visit femanismpodcast.substack.comThis week the boys are discussing a... more
Hello again! We’re spoiling you today with a peek at what the paid subscribers are getting— You’re welcome and you... more
Brothers-in-law Sam Martin and Jamie Hoggart are just two great guy and the FeMANism podcast is their way of ensuring... more
In this episode, thoughts and prayers are with our American sisters as the US election looks set to decide on... more
This episode sees Sam and Jamie piecing together a wild night at one of Chippenham’s top men’s clubs and raising awareness... more
Sam continues to revolutionise the world of counselling by achieving two types of therapeutic goals in one session. 1. Exposure-... more
Pay attention because there is SO much to take in from this fantastic episode of FeMANism. First up, Sam and... more
Jamie's business partner Will (played by Ethan Lawrence) is back to raise the vibes and some sensitive questions around Sam's... more
This episode sees the first in a series of deep dives that Sam and Jamie will be taking into female... more