Welcome to Two New Mums. Two podcasters who fell pregnant two days apart. Not a clue between them. From pregnancy to the births and... more
With the Christmas build up gaining pace, Jennie finds herself in a very unpredictable situation, but Amy may have found... more
We're feeling the need to take back control and have started learning methods for toddler discipline. They are not always... more
We've recognised there's a stage of parenting on our Mum journey, where we're all about to get so cute. Christmas... more
Just when you think you've nailed your babies sleep, toddlers throw in a new surprise! With a twist... And this week... more
Another week, another health scare, as the seasonal onslaught of illness continues. Jennie finds someone isn't happy to celebrate her... more
Amy finds a cheap and unexpected spa day. The most random place you've ever taken a pregnancy test, contraception chats... more
The seasonal germs are taking effect, temperatures are high but cuddles are plenty. The pros and cons of toddlers at... more
Sleep deprivation leads to Mum rage. Chicken pox is back with some tried and tested methods. And when pets and... more
Eden's learnt a new phrase this week which is set to cause havoc in Amy's life. Is everyone else parenting... more
Do we give toddlers too much choice? Amy realises she's turning to boomer parenting and is forced to reveal the... more