Art is for everyone, but sometimes, the way we talk about art doesn't make sense to anyone. Art Smart breaks through the... more
This week's episode is about block printing. For the history segment, I talked a bit about Katsushika Hokusai, a Japanese... more
This week's episode is about photography. While numerous scientists were conducting experiments with light sensitive materials as early as the... more
In this episode, I share a little bit of the history of how film developed with early pioneers of motion... more
There are all sorts of different papers out there from standard construction paper to fine art papers. Learn a little... more
Andy Warhol famously said that he wanted to be like a machine producing artworks in his factory studio. The irony... more
In this episode, I got the story of Herb Williams, an incredible crayon artist. While most people look at crayons... more
Markers were one of my favorite media growing up. I loved the immediacy of being able to draw with markers... more
For this week's episode, we are focusing on paints. Painting is one of the oldest artforms, and as I have... more
In the last episode we learned about clay and this week, I found out about glazes. Learn a bit about... more
Clay was one of the first art materials humans learned to work with. It is one of the only art... more