A recently recovered drug addict tries to start her new lease on life, too bad life has it out for her. This... more
I don't know if you noticed, Marisol certainly doesn't, but Nina has a rich inner life too! She has wants... more
Marisol is new and old and the same all at once. Changed and never-changing, she once again wakes up in... more
A long-coming conversation occurs.Starring: Mo McKynzie as Marisol. Chinna Palmer as The Stranger. Nathan Gabriel as First Responder. Akanimo Effang... more
Things have fallen apart.Starring: Mo McKynzie as Marisol. Yodeet Nymberg as Nina. Lolita Marie as Summer. Chinna Palmer as The... more
Do you hear the wedding bells!? I do! The big day is here. Little Marisol Montgomery and Nina Greene are... more
So, things are spiraling right. Well, not spiraling. Well, yes, spiraling, but aren't things always spiraling? So, who cares if... more
As far as affairs go, this one is going pretty good. Until a certain person with a seasonal-name starts asking... more
So...last episode was...sure something. Things were done that can't be undone. Things were said that can't be unsaid. And now... more
Little Marisol Montgomery has been channeling her inner Mother Teresa. For the past month she has not missed a single... more
Well, Saturday's here! Which means Marisol gets to spend a day with Summer. Which she is excited about for purely... more