Playground Talks is a podcast for busy parents who want to own their parenting style! The podcast cover topics such as how... more
What is more effective: child-led or parent-led potty training?Is there a difference between potty training during the day and at... more
Why is it important to set boundaries for your child's perspective?What happens to you, the parent, when you do not... more
Many parents look forward to spending quality time with their families as the holiday season approaches. However, routine... more
How early can you start preparing your kid to learn? How can you foster an internal motivation for studying? What... more
As the Hostages Crisis is happening in Israel, Psychologist Dr.Emily Bashah and I had this important conversation where we discussed... more
As the hostage crisis is happening in Israel, we had this important conversation with Dr.Emily Bashah, where we discussed: What... more
Many times I hear parents wanting to spark that internal motivation in their children to learn, acquire new skills, and... more
Why using external motivators are necessary for a child's development? How to create a reward system that is effective and... more
At what age should the concept of consequences be introduced? How to use the "Budget Principle" as a consequence? What... more
Empowering Your Child with Limits and Love is easier said than done. So where to start? How to do it?... more
Can you imagine your family free from power struggles? How can you tell if you are being caught in a... more
So what do lions, and lambs have to do with parenting style? How that parenting style affects children? And... more
It's not enough to set boundaries because there is a lot of impact on how your boundaries are perceived by... more
This episode is not only for kids, but it is also for us, the adults that sometimes unintentionally cross those... more
This episode covers : What falls under Physical Boundaries? One private space? Your child's body needs? What is your... more
Have you ever heard a caregiver saying: "Don't be so dramatic!" "You are too sensitive!" "It’s... more
This episode covers : What does a healthy material boundary look like?How to prepare your kids for sharing toys... more
This episode covers : What are boundaries? Specifically, what do time boundaries actually mean? What are some specific examples... more
How can you shape your kid's perspective with your everyday stories? How storytelling and drama therapy can serve you... more
How is it to be a foreign-born parent in the US? What are nowadays parenting challenges? In this... more
What is Ultra-processed food and how it’s affecting your child's body? How much of the US population has a nutrition... more
What’s the difference between speech and language? What are the milestones for kids ages zero to eight? Why is it... more
How does excessive screen time affect children's brains and development? How many hours are recommended for a kid to be... more
Did you ever think of taking your kid to chiropractic due to developmental delays? So what's chiropractic has to... more
What's the earliest a kid starts to show a meltdown? Is there any difference between meltdowns and tantrums? Will you... more
Why is sleep so important? Can you make up for “missing sleeping hours? When a child can sleep without wetting... more
Is there any difference between routine and habits? What’s happening in your brain when forming habits? What is the mechanism... more
Jonathan Hewitt has a degree in psychology from Emory University. Jonathan is also the founder of Life Ki-do Martial Arts,... more
What Are The Life Ki-do® Tools For Living Resilience Life? How does external feedback affect your child's effort to be... more
How to help your child to unfold their strengths? and to transform their challenges into their superpower? Our... more
This is a short episode that covers the main takeaways Dr. Mortimer covered in the previous episode: What is... more
What does resilience mean? What are the skills related to being resilient? and how can you support your... more
In this episode I mention the main pillars of the first season : Boundaries and Reinforcement strategies. The... more
Does slamming doors sound familiar to you? Is your child being extremely emotional? Losing interest in things that previously gave... more
What's a healthy doctor and patient game look like (what are some red flags that there is something awkward going... more
When your kid claims he is too tired to shower or not hungry or not willing to clean his room,... more
Do your kids fight all the time? Call names to each other? Does Your Child Talk Back To You?... more
What are self-regulation and dysregulation? What does dysregulation look like in introverted kids? Join us for a very informative, pack... more
Does sharing always means caring ?! What if the house rules are different from than daycare rules? ... more
What are boundaries? Why setting personal boundaries is so important? What gets in the way of us setting... more
How to reinforce the behavior you want to see in your child? How to build internal motivation? How... more
Why are kids screaming? running away? grabbing your shirt? WHY do kids throw tantrums?? Mariko Fairly, a certified... more
In this episode, my dear and thoughtful friend, Erica Smilgenski, interview me on what led to creating the Playground Talks... more
How did you react when your son spilled a cup of water? and when your daughter was upset with her... more
Introducing Playground Talks, a podcast for busy parents who want to own their parenting style and develop a stronger sense... more
Does your child hug too strong? Do you feel like your child is acting like a drama queen?... more
So why did I start the podcast? Why Parenting is so important to Me? As an additional... more
Why are kids screaming? running away? grabbing your shirt? WHY do kids throw tantrums?? Mariko Fairly, a certified behavioral analyst... more