We will be discussing a wide variety of changing perceptions and ongoing research about topics such as consciousness, health, medicine, science, physics,... more
Quick update & thanks to you all.
Details: Joshua Cutchin's website https://www.joshuacutchin.com/publications Event link: https://www.callin.com/room/souls-consciousness-xReImLYBis Folllow on Callin.com https://www.callin.com/user/perceptions_today. Marieme: https://www.mariememusic.com Link Event: https://perceptionstoday.wixsite.com/perceptions-today/event-details-registration/marieme-diop Discussing the journey of discovery with understanding in a roundtable environment. Join the mailing list... more
Visit Gabe Miranda Sr Twitter: https://twitter.com/DecodingStrange He has experiences: Dreams, Sleep Paralysis, Nightmares, Synchronicities (coincidences). Here we discuss related events with the... more
Visit Gabe Miranda Sr Twitter: https://twitter.com/DecodingStrange He has experiences: Dreams, Sleep Paralysis, Nightmares, Synchronicities (coincidences). Here we discuss related events with the... more
Here you can listen to the updated information plus audio snippet from Joshua Cutchin (https://www.joshuacutchin.com) of why he is involved... more
Visit Gabe Miranda Sr Twitter: https://twitter.com/DecodingStrange He has experiences: Dreams, Sleep Paralysis, Nightmares, Synchronicities (coincidences). Here we discuss related events with the... more
Visit Gabe Miranda Sr Twitter: https://twitter.com/DecodingStrange He has experiences: Dreams, Sleep Paralysis, Nightmares, Synchronicities (coincidences). Here we discuss related events with the... more
Starting at UK 7pm all in TwitterSpace on these days 10,17,25. Rick DellaRatta (Jazz for Peace), Brandi Van, Diane Dreher PhD. Thanks... more
Discussing: Time part 02 of 02. Visit Cosmic Librarian known as Darlene MacFarland website: http://www.cosmiclibrarian.com. She has experienced: Synchronicities (coincidences), precognition, time... more
Discussing: Time part 01 of 2. Visit Cosmic Librarian known as Darlene MacFarland website: http://www.cosmiclibrarian.com. She has experienced: Synchronicities (coincidences), precognition, time... more