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Carrie Low VS.
Carrie Low VS.

Carrie Low trusted police when she reported her horrific rape. But she says they failed to investigate properly, and only succeeded in... more

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Epilogue: A Death in Dartmouth

Carrie’s criminal case is upended by a homicide.

18 Nov 2021 · 13 minutes
Episode 5: Unstoppable

Carrie faces shocking roadblocks in her criminal case, including a publication ban prohibiting her from telling her story publicly, unless... more

17 Nov 2021 · 36 minutes
Episode 4: Charged

An arrest is finally made in Carrie’s case, but she wonders why only one man has been charged. CORRECTION: Sunny Marriner... more

10 Nov 2021 · 30 minutes
Episode 3: Believed

The original investigator assigned to Carrie's case reveals what he says happened behind the scenes. For transcripts of this series, please... more

03 Nov 2021 · 23 minutes
Episode 2: Aftermath

Carrie tries to launch a complaint against police but is thrown a surprising curveball. For transcripts of this series, please visit:... more

27 Oct 2021 · 30 minutes
Episode 1: Taken

Carrie goes to the police to report she’s been drugged, kidnapped and assaulted. But the investigation does not go as... more

20 Oct 2021 · 26 minutes
Introducing: Carrie Low VS.

Carrie Low’s story begins on an average night out at a bar but turns into a nightmare. And Carrie’s public... more

07 Oct 2021 · 3 minutes
Carrie Low VS.
Epilogue: A Death in Dartmouth
Carrie Low VS.