45-minute conversations and investigations with today's leading thinkers, authors, experts, doctors, healers, scientists about life's biggest questions: Why do we do what... more
“In certain ways, our culture has glamorized the cynic. The person who doesn't have faith in others is seen as... more
"I was feeling this self censoring and constant push pull in sharing my voice and just feeling quite afraid of... more
“The whole sense though, of the Upper Limit Problem, is instead of feeling good and then feeling bad, which is... more
“Those of us growing up in consumerist society, when confronted with a problem, our tendency is to add a whole... more
“Human beings trigger other human beings, right? My teacher and friend, Parker Palmer, likes to say, riffing on Socrates, "the... more
“Many of us needed to suppress anger. And what you feel in your throat is an intelligent mechanism to suppress... more
“What I became aware of when I started writing about resistance, and I thought, the healthy body resists infection. We... more
“I often ask, ‘so how beautiful are you when you need something?’ I call this the beauty of needs. And... more
“When you have a feeling, you can recognize when it's a feeling, when it's a knowing, a lot of knowers,... more
“The real meaning of ‘remember’ is to put the members back together, to make whole. So a lot of times... more
“I remember a wonderful psychologist was talking about, we shouldn't, should on ourselves. Don't should on yourself. And it's all... more
“One of the things about practices that I love is this notion of it's not perfect. I haven't got it... more
“You can't be independent if you're not deeply connected. So what happens to a child that's not deeply connected? What... more
“Our anger is “I'm angry because something happened that I feel was unjust or unfair” And if it continues, then... more
Hi, It’s Elise, host of Pulling the Thread. Starting next Monday, I’m doing another special series—this one is about growing... more
“So when we think about this, what is the aura? Many people have an idea of the aura as something... more
“What optogenetics does is it's an engine of discovery. It helps us identify what matters, what's causing things to happen... more
“All growing up stages are the product of scientific investigation of the stages of growing up that people go through.... more
“I really think that the past, we can go back to it and we definitely learn lessons because I'm always... more
“I think we need each other. I say this all the time, there are some things that are too big... more
“This is the richness of the traditional wife explosion, right? There's this simple idea that you get to choose. Now... more
“Here's what I would say: peace will happen when people invest in cultivating peace as opposed to war. Peace will... more
“There are studies showing that, once your basic needs are met, and you're not worried about losing your house, losing... more
“There are therapies where the person is made to relive their traumas over and over and over again. It's called... more
“In writing my book, I wanted to bring it back to the self because being online allows us to have... more
“Now the tragedy, in one sense is a tragedy, that often people only become open when they've suffered horribly when... more
“I realized I think there's a few things that are in our heads that are so deep in the culture.... more
Hi, It’s Elise, host of Pulling the Thread. Starting next Monday, I’m doing another special series—this set is about trauma,... more
“When we can pause for a moment and rifle through all that noise to figure out what the root of... more
“But one thing the whole “Karen” thing did, which I think was very good, was that it pointed out the... more
“What is that instinct that might be asking me to do something really unadvisable or radical or leap outside the... more
Million Dollar Advice is a work and career advice podcast hosted by friends and colleagues Kim Lessing and Kate Arend.... more
“You want to find yourself? Give. We're not hungry for what we're not getting. We're hungry for what we're not... more
“From my perspective, one of the reasons we tell stories is it helps give us a sense of who we... more
“I think historically we have always seen that intergenerational partnership is the way that movements grow and expand and the... more
“Part of middle life is that hopefully there's a little bit of wisdom there. And I think that is part... more
“It's important to realize that yes, menopause can come with symptoms, but the symptoms are not alien symptoms. We've seen... more
“Historically, there's no such thing as a pure tradition. And I also think as human beings, we transcend these religions... more
Hi, it’s Elise Loehnen, host of PULLING THE THREAD. Today, it’s just me. I’m sharing five things I’ve been thinking... more
“Turquoise is looking for how do we bring back the village? How do we live in community again? Why are... more
“When I went back and looked at some of these shows that I loved, I noticed that the writer's room... more
“The deal is your bodies are going to change over time and people can stay attracted to somebody's body over... more
“Every single human being is a pack animal. That's what we are biologically. We would die if we didn't depend... more
“I think there's a lot of assumptions in play here that a good body is a thin one, a thin... more
“I think that with regulation, the funny thing is that it's either I want to control the weather around my... more
"How do we center the voices that traditionally and historically we know existed, but were only marginalized in the tradition?... more
“If you have a reaction to a stranger or someone in the media or someone in politics or someone who's... more
Today, it’s just me. I thought I’d round out the year by trying something different, and offering five big things... more
“Nobody wants to be somebody with a serious substance use problem. Nobody wants to be addicted to a substance. I... more
“I think what's interesting about healing, psychological healing, is there's always a narrative that helps. So sometimes when you go to... more
“I think it's really important for, you know, people to realize that you can totally be an absolutely excellent parent... more
“As you grow older, your brain is able to keep rewiring all the time. And so we have this impression... more
“I want to say that it's not just some idea about suffering, it's also a function of social and economic... more
“I think what one of the things that's interesting to me is like when we think about what causes distress... more
“For years, I was asking myself whether or not I was an alcoholic versus really asking myself whether or not... more
“If there is this part of you that you think is inferior, the weak spot, something you're ashamed of, etc.,... more
Starting next Monday, I’m doing another special series—this set is about addiction. You’ll hear from four distinct voices in the... more
“I’m grateful for seasons. I'm so happy that there can be a winter and there can be a spring and... more
“Well, the interesting thing is, I guess some of this came from writing the book too, but all of those... more
Chetan: “The human design chart, is basically a match to your unique particular frequency, whether it's partially ancestral, whether it's... more
“Nature, the universe, speaks in metaphor, and one of its truest things is paradox, is holding two things that are... more
“One of the things that we do on Yom Kippur is we read the story of Jonah, the prophet who... more
“I mean, I do think that I have an abiding interest in women's bodies. In how our bodies can be... more
“The more we let go of, the more we receive. I feel that I live in that light. I believe... more
“That's just like the human struggle, is how is it that our interiority and the way that we're perceived externally,... more
"Part of what happens when human beings experience difficulty is the same difficulty, the same fact pattern, can resonate very... more
“You cannot differentiate when you never fight. Fighting is also a tool for differentiation, for having two people be able... more
This is a channeled transmission of Yeshua, from Thursday, October 12, 2023. This was part of an online study group for... more
Yes, it’s a Monday and not a Thursday, but today, I’m announcing something special. Kicking off next week, we’re going... more
“I just think that never being the one to say no to yourself is so powerful for so many reasons.... more
“We think that money is just going to solve the problem. We think that we can get rid of the... more
“Everything we heal, we mature, we develop in ourselves, is never just for ourselves only. It's always also eco-systemically relevant.... more
“But it's also okay not to get it right. You know, people mistakenly think that they want perfection, say you're... more
“I think a lot of us embody this, what I call the paradox of the courageous coward, right? Like, we're... more
“It’s, you know, all but hardwired to resist failure, to not want to be blamed. You know, it's an instinct... more
“I’m really hopeful that we're evolving past our very hyper individualistic understanding of like, my health, wealth and happiness is... more
“Sometimes it feels like empathy, sympathy, sorrow, grief are scarce resources, because we certainly treat them like that. And if... more
“It's okay to not be perfect. I don't wanna be judging myself for my imperfections. I actually wanna be accepting... more
“Energy doesn't dissipate. You know it moves, but it doesn't die. And the big bang that happened 15.7 billion years... more
“Acceptance is kind of a choice. We say, I accept this. That's the way they are. Surrender feels different. It... more
“A loving being isn't domineering and a loving being is not going to judge you and certainly isn't going to... more
“There's a deep need for all of us to grow up, like we are now being handed tools of the... more
"So trauma can get stuck in our tissues.You know, our emotions can actually be stuck in our tissues because in... more
“So circling can be very personal, meaning you have your own awareness. It's not like, you know, you come to... more
“And I am not thankful for how hard it was. I don't believe we have to suffer to be great... more
“I think there are a number of ways that we move into action that's characterized by integrity and where, you... more
“Sex is not a quick fix when there's these foundational challenges that you're having, you're like, I know how to... more
“A million Americans a week are quitting a job. This number is almost twice as high as it's ever been... more
“I believe certainly, I know now, after have going through this years and years of feeling ashamed of who I... more
“When you are quite literally told that you are not human. What option do you have? What’s the other option... more
“If I remember correctly, I think you ran as fast as you could to the thing that you're more comfortable... more
“One thing my work has taught me is how human interaction is a comedy of errors. People are making so... more
“But I now think about how wonderful it is that some of these radio stories that meant a lot to... more
“Women spent so much time in the ancient world spinning, like they spent all their time, any spare moment. And... more
“So one of the things I explored in life in Life in Five Senses was the value of boredom. Because... more
“For people who have been in a long relationship and then it goes off the rails and ends, it’s a... more
“Ideas don't arrive with a bang. There is no parade. The big thing never screams that it's a big thing.... more
“I guess for me the real tragedy is this idea of a life where you're getting further and further away from... more
“We are in a time where everything that we think we have taken for granted in terms of human achievement,... more
“People have always fought against anyone trying to impose power on them or trying to assert their status on them.... more
“When I'd gone off and got lost in the woods and I walked for hours and I just couldn't find... more
“And we are made of stars, you know. It's not some fun little thing I'm trying to make everyone feel... more
“I think the biggest challenge with codependency is, when a family member is catered to when their unhealthy or toxic... more
“A conversation that I hope this book sparks, because it's such a fun conversation, is the conversation about like, gay... more
“And the moment when she admitted that she had been wrong, that was the greatest healing moment for me of... more
In today’s episode—my first ever solo attempt—I explain how my spirituality emerged out of a largely secular, nature-based childhood, how... more
“This is the time where it's kind of like the things that we didn't get right. We need to start... more
“Look at how we've convoluted and complicated. The most simple things. Look at nutrition now. How many supplements are we... more
“There are many places I'd love to see and I know I would learn from. But if I never see... more
“We're aware that we're in an ecological crisis. We are destroying our own ecosystem. We're aware there's loss of biodiversity,... more
“How do we actually with due speed, cuz this is a timely issue, start to live in modern culture, which... more
“I mean, nourishing is truly, honestly, it is, it is, uh, an activism. It is it, the, the minute you... more
“If you don't change things that we already feel we should change or we feel called to change, if you're... more
“Now I'm making something that I didn't imagine. It's not going like I imagined, but it's going. And then when... more
“But a life devoted to something larger than yourself is a life worth living. It's a life that is in... more
“Boundaries don't tell other people what to do. They tell other people what you are willing to do to take... more
“My childhood was a childhood in the closet. I had some good things. I had some bad things, like living... more
“I’m trying to map the territory in the center world, just the way I did with families and the distinction... more
"We have offered a model, the seven circles, that helps people to understand that it's not just food and fitness,... more
“The thing is the type of thinking where you can figure out how mechanical things work. It’s a different kind... more
“What I'm positing is, is an ability to grapple with contradiction. So that's the paradox mindset that Wendy Smith, Maryanne... more
“But my other favorite thing about the confidence piece, as someone who can be very anxious and nervous myself, is... more
“Well, I think of it like the metaphor of the ensemble in a great musical, like everybody has to know... more
“I’ve never really figured out how come we stop asking each other questions. You know, we always do that in... more
“Sometimes you can't see the full path. And so you don't even venture into the unknown, you know, you're unhappy,... more
“Where in your life where you're not saying yes, but there's a, yes. That wants to be said where there's... more
“I think we all have these stories, you know, whether they come through bereavements or betrayals or, or whatever, we,... more
“There seems to be this basic idea that if you make a system including a human life, more efficient, capable... more
“What I know is that no one is alone. There's no sense of isolation or sadness or disconnection that I... more
“I tear up at the drop of a hand and got another facilitator who tears up quicker than I do.... more
“I mean, the idea that we're colorblind or, or gender blind or age blind or something, is ridiculous. I mean,... more
“And I just feel that people, I now I have so much more perspective, but at the time, even I... more
“The focus of adulthood has been on stability, just, you know, find a job and don't leave it, find a... more
“So natural intelligence has this ability to bring order when we allow it to. The reason that we don't see... more
“If you don't know how to say no, your body will eventually say no for you. I think there is... more
Written and narrated by award-winning author and Professor of African American Studies at Princeton University, Dr. Eddie S. Glaude, “History... more
“I think I find great comfort in this idea that when you form that bond, when you fall in love,... more
“As a therapist, I started to discover that when people need boundaries, they start to have issues around anxiety in... more
“As scientists, we often look at one thing and we say, oh, that's the one thing it's competing for light.... more
“There are 12 questions that enable every person who's willing to, to answer them, to reevaluate their life and their... more
“I didn't wanna be still, I had to be still, but I, I, I wanted more than anything to continue... more
“I talk about dysfunctional relational stances that would repeat over and over again. For example, angry pursuit is an oxymoron.... more
I'm sharing a special preview of A Slight Change of Plans, a podcast all about who we are and who... more
“I think the key is to really believe it when you see something that you're doing every day in your... more
"If you are in a Western life and, and are designed as an empath or a spiritual being that feels... more
"This to me is basic, but it feels like we've drifted really far from it in our culture. That to... more
"When we talk about the ghost of the unsaid, we're talking about the inherited feelings of our parents, unprocessed trauma,... more
"I talk to so many women who, you know, we talk about huddle and we talk about, I referenced, you... more
“One reason I wrote the book is that the lack of recognition is such a powerful harm done to patients.... more
“Usually in high conflict, the conflict becomes the whole point. So you make a lot of mistakes and you can... more
“I’ve won arm wrestles with big muscular men, right out of prison because you align the energy. Everything wants to... more
You have to have something new to hope for sure. You might still keep hoping that somebody with a terminal... more
"So if we take that off the table, if we take off this, this goal of changing somebody's mind, then... more
“I increasingly feel that modern life is becoming intolerable for everyone, whether they're neurodivergent or not. I think we've noticed... more
“I think we're due for a cultural rebranding around crying. I think that crying, you know, if we start to... more
"When I would witness somebody that I identify with in whatever capacity of what I'm calling in, have, what I... more
I think what makes it much more difficult to, to have the courage, to continue to experiment, you know, look... more
That's what I think is so funny about this is like a hundred years on these things that he's talking... more
“But what I do do is whenever I read an academic paper is I read around it. I don't just... more
“We sort of get into this, you know, relational model. And look, when it's working, when sex is a form... more
“I increasingly feel that modern life is becoming intolerable for everyone, whether they're neurodivergent or not. I think we've noticed it earlier.... more