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It's Training Cats and Dogs!
It's Training Cats and Dogs!
Naomi Rotenberg, Praiseworthy Pets

The podcast for cat-AND-dog people. This is the show for pet professionals and pet parents who want to level up their cat and... more

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Finding Balance in Our Lives with Pets - with Marissa Martino

How can the human side of pet training - understanding and addressing our emotions and mental state - contribute to... more

16 May 2023 · 51 minutes
If it’s not working out, what are your options? - with Gia Savocchi

In some cases, you can be doing ALL the right things to help your pets coexist, but everyone is still... more

21 Mar 2023 · 47 minutes
How to introduce a puppy to a (blind) cat - with Sammy Hyde

When introducing two animals, how do you know when to move onto the next step? What are potential red flags... more

07 Mar 2023 · 1 hour, 9 minutes
We weren't making progress... then we joined the Club!

Have you been working with your pets for a while to try to get them to live together peacefully... but... more

22 Feb 2023 · 32 minutes
My cat won’t come downstairs because she’s so scared of the dog!

What do you do when when your resident animal is super stressed by their new housemate? Like so stressed that... more

24 Jan 2023 · 36 minutes
Can a dog with prey drive live with a cat? - with Simone Mueller

Dogs are predators who often see cats as prey. How can we help them live peacefully together? What is prey... more

10 Jan 2023 · 55 minutes
Evening chill time... Will your dog rest? Or lunge at the cat?

Why might the same contexts trigger totally different behaviors in our pets? It can make their interactions really tough to... more

13 Dec 2022 · 25 minutes
My cat is making the dog nervous!

Does your cat do some things that kinda freak your dog out? In this Dog and Cat Chat, Naomi and... more

29 Nov 2022 · 33 minutes
My dog adopted a cat, and now I have to pay for it! - with Kayla Fratt

What do you do when you find the perfect kitten in a ditch right before you embark on a months-long... more

15 Nov 2022 · 46 minutes
Not making progress with the "typical" path to coexistence?

What adjustments do you make to a "typical" integration plan when the cat doesn't make himself scarce?In this Dog and... more

08 Nov 2022 · 20 minutes
It's Training Cats and Dogs!
Finding Balance in Our Lives with Pets - with Marissa MartinoFinding Balance in Our Lives with Pets - with Marissa MartinoFinding Balance in Our Lives with Pets - with Marissa MartinoFinding Balance in Our Lives with Pets - with Marissa Martino
It's Training Cats and Dogs!

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Podcast Republic


How can the human side of pet training - understanding and addressing our emotions and mental state - contribute to a stronger... more