Bringing you the news from rural America. The Yonder Report, hosted by Roz Brown, is a 3-minute weekly newscast highlighting the vibrant,... more
A potential funding cut for natural disasters could affect rural folks more than those in urban communities, a New Mexico... more
Many rural counties that voted for Trump also cast ballots against school vouchers and to protect abortion rights, Pennsylvania's Black... more
Limited access to community resources negatively impacts rural Americans' health, a successful solar company is the result of a Georgia... more
Residents in Colorado's rural communities face challenges to recycling, climate change and Oregon's megadrought are worrying firefighters and a farm... more
The CDC has a new plan to improve the health of rural Americans, updated data could better prepare folks for... more
An urban vote slump, not the rural electorate, tipped the presidential election, Minnesota voters approved more lottery money to support... more
Abortion care can be five minutes away in California or 11 hours for women in Texas, rural living proves a... more
A Montana court will decide the fate of a climate lawsuit brought by youth, housing for working families could boost... more
Political strategists in Missouri work to ensure down-ballot races aren't overlooked, a small Minnesota town is helping high school students... more
Rural towns in Wyoming and Kansas are building, not closing hospitals, an activist formerly incarcerated at San Quentin is launching... more