In this podiobook: Far from home...Rosemary Halpern, a mild-mannered librarian from Boston, found herself trapped hundreds of years in the future. ... more
-In this episode: The Conclusion.
-In this episode: In which everything goes to Hell.
-In this episode: In which a vision comes true.
-In this episode: In which Rosemary finds the mayor to be untrustworthy.
-In this episode: In which Rosemary learns about Tom.
-In this episode: In which Rosemary solves a mystery.
-In this episode: In which Rosemary meets the Mole People.
-In this episode: In which Sara finds trouble.
-In this episode: In which Rosemary sees the Orb.
-In this episode: In which Rosemary and Andrew get some time alone.