The UK Wine Show is all about wine and the UK wine scene. We interview winemakers, consumers, wine bar owners, scientists, you... more
The first in a series on contract growing and vineyard management in the UK with Chris Buckley on Vine Works.
RootWave�s electric weed control system is revolutionising vineyard management with a chemical-free, soil-friendly solution. The device uses high-frequency electricity to... more
Get the inside track on the Vintners Company with Ian Harris MBE. The livery company dates back 660 years and... more
Another look behind the scenes, this time looking into training and packages that Sam typically provides his staff to develop... more
We go behind the scenes with Sam Harrison owner of Sams Riverside restaurants and cafes in West London to find... more
A new food and beverage course for the hospitality industry will provide vital training for front of house house staff.
Renowned restaurateur Neville Abraham has 50 years experience in hospitality, he shares insights into the restaurant scene and training for... more
We've heard how vines are grafted onto root stocks and now its time to be planted in the ground. Sam... more
We continue our dive into grafting vines, looking at how the plants are grown in nurseries with Sam Doncaster.
We dig deep into the process of grafting vines onto disease resistant root stocks with Sam Doncaster.