When Ian Coss decided to get married, every living member of his family who had ever been married had also gotten divorced:... more
My aunt Rari divorced her husband so completely and so long ago that I don’t even know the man’s name.... more
Most divorces in my family bring some sense of relief. It may take three years to get there, or it... more
The idea of a lifetime commitment can feel impossible, when it can still fall apart in year 20, or year... more
My grandmother never sent presents for birthdays or holidays, and didn't expect us to either. She seemed to resist anything... more
My parents divorced when I was eight years old — young enough that I don’t have a lot of clear... more
When I decided to get married, every living member of my family who had ever been married had also gotten... more
My parents divorced when I was eight years old — young enough that I don’t have a lot of clear memories of... more