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Crowd Network

How do police get away with killing unarmed people? It’s because of a legal loophole called qualified immunity. If Black Lives really Matter, it’s... more

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Gabriel Olivas

In the final episode of the series, Ben and Aloe speak to two serving police officers - Lt. Ray Rice... more

13 Jul 2021 · 57 minutes
I.B and Jane Doe

Today we are going to tell you the story of someone whose name we don’t know. someone whose rights were... more

29 Jun 2021 · 36 minutes
Art Tobias

This episode features the interrogation of a 13-year-old child. Art Tobias was coerced into confessing to a murder and ultimately... more

22 Jun 2021 · 46 minutes
Shase Howse

In 2016 Shase Howse was standing on his front porch in Cleveland, Ohio, talking to him Mom on the phone.... more

15 Jun 2021 · 43 minutes
Khari Illidge

Khari Illidge was killed by sheriff’s deputies in Lee County, Alabama in 2013. He was tased 19 times. But the... more

08 Jun 2021 · 48 minutes
Frasier v Evans

Do you have the right to videotape the police? In this episode we explain the case of Levi Frasier, who recorded... more

01 Jun 2021 · 31 minutes
James King

In episode two we remember George Floyd, one year on since he was murdered by former Minneapolis police officer Derek... more

25 May 2021 · 30 minutes
Muhammad Muhaymin

Muhammad Muhaymin was killed by the Phoenix police in January 2017 after trying to use a public restroom with his... more

18 May 2021 · 30 minutes
Introducing... Unaccountable

Unaccountable launches May 18th 2021. Join us in the campaign to hold the police accountable by ending qualified immunity. See... more

10 May 2021 · 4 minutes