Busyness, overwhelm and exhaustion are not business goals - yet so many entrepreneurs work as though those conditions are an inevitable part... more
“Avoid becoming the proverbial squirrel, mindlessly chasing too many things. It's crucial that our pursuits align with both our short-term... more
“Only in the silence can true healing begin. Embrace the fear and face the cave, for it is there that... more
“I don't think we have to have a work life and a home life. I think we can just have... more
“Without the wilderness, you can't look back and say, wow, look how far I've come. And that's where I sit... more
“Take care and listen to your body and your mind, and be good for you, or you will not be... more
“2023 has been about giving up the good for the great. You don't know what's on the other side until... more
“Being strong is not like this rigid thing, it's meant to be flexible. You're meant to be flexible to move... more
“There's always more things that we can learn or refine, but if there's something burning in your heart to share,... more
“I am amazing! I don't have to do it the way everybody says you're supposed to do it. I have... more
“Sometimes entrepreneurship is ugly, it hurts and it’s frustrating and confusing and you feel like you are in a crowded... more