In a vast, abandoned library on the borders of civilisation, Matthew and Erik find themselves trapped and lost with little hope of... more
In the book this week, George Clooney (not that one) is ecstatic to learn that a restaurant's named a sandwich... more
The boys are joined by Rat, and in the book of the week, the Kraken is a liar and a... more
In the book this week, a TV producer pitches her next smash hit: Young Alan. That’s gotta be a prequel... more
In the book this week, a retired gunslinger bumps into a time traveler who’s perpetuating some harmful stereotypes about the... more
It's 70! In the book this week, Bulk Haulage realises he'll need to be more than just polite to ChatGPT... more
One year on from his library sabbatical, Erik finally comes clean. At the risk of breaking the fourth wall, Lost... more
HE'S ALIVE! Bob Buel (99 Questions) returns to the library. In the book this week, the mayor of an Old... more
In a double-story season premiere, the boys read a book about budget flights, which are pretty much just regular flights... more
In Volume 2, the boys read a book about a giant rat mafia mob boss mixup. And Jerry. Plus, in a... more
In Volume 1 of the season finale, the boys read a book about a COOL judge. He's not like other... more