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Galaxy Brains with Dave Schilling and Jonah Ray
Galaxy Brains with Dave Schilling and Jonah Ray

Journey into the unknown with Galaxy Brains — the most immersive, hilarious TV and movie podcast on this planet (or any other).... more

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The Matrix Resurrections | Nothing lasts forever, including our show!

It's our final episode of Galaxy Brains and we going out with a bang, and by a bang we mean... more

23 Dec 2021 · 48 minutes
Spider-Man | Teenage Spidey is the best Spidey

We're gearing up for multiverse madness with a look back at the Spiderman films of yore. Dave and Jonah are... more

16 Dec 2021 · 46 minutes
Succession | Cousin Greg is the show's true villain

We're going full f****** beast for this one folks, and sailing our mental yachts through the world of Succession. We're... more

09 Dec 2021 · 54 minutes
Death Becomes Her | a campy satire of Hollywood beauty standards.

Now a warning? It's a head-twistingly good episode as Dave and Jonah dive into the '90s camp classic. Joining them... more

02 Dec 2021 · 51 minutes
Star Trek: First Contact | A meta movie about Star Trek's creation with John Hodgman

We're going into transwarp speed with a Star Trek extravaganza dedicated to the 25th anniversary of one of the best... more

25 Nov 2021 · 53 minutes
Ghostbusters | Dan Aykroyd explains the ghost lore of the franchise.

Where is Gozer really from? How come Zuul is so grumpy? What the f*** do ghosts do when they're in... more

18 Nov 2021 · 46 minutes
The Eternals | Marvel’s Superman movie

It's a bird, it's a plane, it's... an Eternal? Dave and Jonah are celebrating the long awaited Marvel epic, the... more

11 Nov 2021 · 47 minutes
Suspiria | A horror masterpiece twice with Ruby Soho

We are cozying up for a modern dance double feature of two iconic horror classics- Argento's Suspiria and the 2018... more

04 Nov 2021 · 48 minutes
Halloween Kills | Michael Myers is a stand in for toxic masculinity

Happy Spooky Season! We're sharpening our steak knives for a romp through the final chapter of one of horror's most... more

28 Oct 2021 · 50 minutes
Dune | David Lynch's sci-fi bomb is actually foundational with David Dastmalchian

Patrick Stewart with a pug, Sting with a blue thong, and source material that set the gold standard for science... more

21 Oct 2021 · 45 minutes