A Closer Look is a podcast hosted by Nate Fisher and Will Sennett, two comedians investigating the most forgotten and most deranged... more
Listen to the rest of this episode at: Patreon.com/ACloserLook Hugh Jackman does the blood test scene from The Thing except with... more
Listen to the rest of this episode at: Patreon.com/ACloserLook Money McDonalds, Luc Charizard, and the Secretary of Agriculture escape the hockey... more
Four Malices at the Palaces. All in one night. Across all four major sports. An event so violent, so devastating,... more
Listen to the rest of this ep and all other Season ∞ stories at https://www.patreon.com/c/ACloserLook Mark and Topher's relationship disintegrates.
Jeff Sexberry is an an eccentric football genius with a groundbreaking offenseive scheme. The only people who can help him... more
Listen to the rest of this ep and all other Season ∞ stories at patreon.com/ACloserLook ... more
Listen to the rest of this ep and all other Season ∞ stories at patreon.com/ACloserLook Unlucky stories from Sheridan Taylor's... more
Listen to the rest of Part 2 and more episodes at patreon.com/ACloserLook Fred Gentle's Basilica shoes display their terrifying power on... more
Fred Gentle is one of the most talented players in professional basketball, but is so boring that nobody is ever... more
Battle comes to the set of Cyber Cowboys. Who survives, and can Nate and Will find them? FEATURING: Big Dave as General... more