Ivan Reese thinks out loud about the design of his esoteric graphical programming system.
I have a swirl of feelings and this is the only way I know to express them.
The story behind one of my songs, tracing its roots back through several failed career changes, through my life slowing... more
This year in Hest: Amb Bi Omni d.ts & Switch
As promised at the end of the previous episode, this one breaks the format a little. Granted, if this is... more
Seven months of inking and switching later, a novel saw has been seen by all. In what interesting ways does... more
I'm going to change the format of this show, for the next few months at least if not longer. We'll... more
I'm not trying to invent a new genre, I'm just trying to be the Estradasphere of visual programming.
Why do all programming tools look so similar?
If I'm not able to build Hest as it's currently conceived, what will it end up looking like? What gets... more
Marcin Ignac asked me the following on Twitter: ... more
Seven months of inking and switching later, a novel saw has been seen by all. In what interesting ways does said saw... more