Roxy and Katelyn grew up in the white evangelical American heartland. Both were warned moving to a supposed bastion of secular culture... more
Core memory: flipping the Bible open to a random page, pointing with eyes closed to a verse, and "claiming" that... more
Gather 'round with your marshmallows and cups of cheer, it's that time of year to send good tidings and spiced... more
The days are getting short. The nights are getting long. Christ has come but he'll also come again. We're in... more
Picture this: a knock on the apartment door, in sweeps Jonathan Woodward, straight off a flight from Maine, grocery bags... more
Were you surprised by this year's presidential election results? On this episode, Katelyn and Roxy examine some of the major... more
And yet, there are so many of us who have gone through a divorce and found love again. This week,... more
Life is no straight and narrow path and we've taken a few ill-advised turns. On this episode, Katelyn and Roxy... more
What's spookier than a coffee hour full of strangers? Katelyn is on the road toward the midwest and a new... more
If you've "deconstructed" from evangelicalism — or any faith tradition — you know that as your faith has evolved your... more
In this era of political extremes, few of us have gone untouched by polarization. We've had family fights, friendship rifts... more