The Amazing Clarks are award winning certified life and love coaches and husband and wife. Having been featured by Dr. Drew and... more
A perfect relationship is a nice thought but in reality, it doesn't exist. We all have trials and tribulations when... more
Trust between partners is one of the most important things when you're in a relationship. But, what happens when that... more
With so many myths in the world, it's hard to keep up with what is actual myth and what is... more
Ding! Ding! Everyone to their corners! Arguing with your partner can be one of the most frustrating things about being... more
We can all agree sex is one of the pillars of a good relationship. When the sex is good, sometimes... more
EVERYTHING IS PERFECT....A phrase we've all said to ourselves to will us through a situation that is the furtherest from... more
Have you ever considered dating a younger man?? We can all hear the collective groans as you think about that... more
Porn...the one word in the English language guaranteed to get you some looks if spoken in a group for sure.... more
Do you have a Body Count? And no, we are not talking about an actual body count because that's when... more
No one gets into marriage expecting to be bored. When you decide to get married, you have this fairytale made... more