Exploring science fiction from all angles - covering the past, the present and the future! We cover science fiction books, film, TV and... more
We once claimedTintin: Destination Moon was science fiction, because an animated white dog accompanied an animated human to the moon... more
It's another one of our (made-up) time-honored traditions: reviewing a current science fiction magazine. We usually do this once a... more
In time-honored tradition, for our December episode we go hurtling back in time to review a science fiction magazine from... more
It occurred to us that although we have discussed many specific books on the show, we've never devoted an episode... more
It's fifty years since the TV series of Planet of the Apes debuted, enlivening the childhood of millions around the... more
August 2024 saw the World Science Fiction Convention, held in Glasgow, Scotland. Phil stayed at home, but intrepid traveller Colin... more
The first women to appear (as "soloists") on the ballot for science fiction's Hugo Awards were Zenna Henderson and Pauline... more
We're back - and it's the time to review this year's Hugo-nominated short stories! The Hugos are the awards given by... more
We're back, with an episode about the great British SF writer John Wyndham. On many occasions we've found ourselves talking... more
Time for another regular episode of the podcast, and this time we have more interview goodness from the Hugo- and... more