Listen to our Podcast on Spiritual Research and Development. Our Podcast is created to facilitate a safe and responsible environment for all who... more
This is the Chakra Cleansing Meditation. With this exercise, we activate our connection with Spirit and allow for cosmic energy... more
On this episode, we will speak about mediumship, the process by which a person acts as an intermediary between our... more
On this episode, we will speak of the processes we go through when time comes to remove ourselves from this... more
On this episode, we talk about Incarnation and how our Soul goes through different steps in manifestation to evolve. We first... more
With this exercise, we become conscious of our connection with the energies of the planet. We activate and energise this connection,... more
On several of our previous episodes we have mentioned the Absolute Be-ness, that Principle from which everything emanates and to... more
On this episode we explore the energies of the Crown Chakra. This Chakra, is our connection to Spiritual Existence. When we allow... more
With this meditation, we bring our awareness within us and visualise ourselves bathing in energies of certain colours to help... more
With this exercise, we practice our skills for observation, we become aware of our physical body and how our intention... more
On this episode, we talk about the Seven Dimensions of the Cosmos, discover how they emerged and explain the framework... more