Wild for Scotland is an immersive travel podcast with stories from Scotland. Hosted by award-winning travel blogger Kathi Kamleitner (WatchMeSee.com), it's a... more
'The Land Awakens' is part of the series A Year in Scotland. This is the March episode. Join me for... more
This is Wild for Scotland, a show with immersive travel stories from Scotland. Wild for Scotland helps you connect with... more
In the past, I have featured countless women's stories on Wild for Scotland, from women sharing their own stories and... more
'Paradise' is a story about a tiny island off the west coast of Scotland, along a famous road trip route:... more
Let's go to the pub and listen to some music! Join me for two conversations with Irish tin whistle player... more
'A Coorie Winter' is a story about getting cosy (or 'coorie') in the great outdoors during the Scottish winter months.... more
Join me for a conversation about Gaelic Songs and the role of singing in oral tradition with Gaelic singer Ali... more
'Good for Crofting' is a story about living with and off the land. Crofting is an integral part of Scottish... more
'The Sounds of Mousa' is a story about two back-to-back trips I did to Mousa, a small island off the... more
Last week, I spoke with Francesca Lo Verso, an outdoor therapist and host of the “We Are Here, Too” podcast.... more