A podcast about movies and the scenes that make them special. Each week, hosts Dom Nero and Adam Volerich explore a movie... more
Greatest superhero movie of all time? Whatever you think about Burton’s 1989 BATMAN, it’s hard to argue its influence on... more
Dunna-nunna-nunna-nunna…holy miniseries, Batman!! This week, we’re kicking off Eye of the Duck Knight with the very first theatrical movie about... more
Just like the Xenomorph who (somehow) survived the desolation of outer space, we are back. And this time, we’re going... more
It’s awards season, baby! This week we celebrate another year of Eye of the Duck by naming our favorite films... more
We finally played all five tones! Our UFO Invasion series is over, and we’re waving goodbye this week with tears... more
This week we finish off our UFO miniseries with the long overdue Eye of the Duck debut of Wes Anderson!... more
It’s the penultimate film of our UFO invasion series and the only one to feature an evil monkey, a suicidal... more
It's literally impossible. But it's literally what we're covering this week on the show. Welcome to The Shimmer. Joining us... more
This week we gain two new friends…and bring an old one back! It’s Abbott, Costello, and returning champion Sarah Welch-Larson... more
This week we are pausing our release schedule to pay tribute to the godfather of our podcast, the late, great... more
This week we venture deep into the abyss for Jonathan Glazer’s unnerving science fiction masterpiece, the only movie on earth... more
We are officially one flavor away from completing the Cornetto trilogy! It’s Edgar Wright’s thrilling and deliciously stupid body snatcher... more
The aliens may be fuzzy this week… but they’re also very scary and mean. It’s our first Joe Cornish movie,... more
It’s mint! This week we hang out with a crew of teenage filmmakers…and one very big scary tarantula alien-looking guy.... more
Listeners, you didn’t ask for it, but we did it anyway. This week it’s the one alien we specifically promised... more
Can aliens and humans co-exist on this Earth? What happens when you squirt a can of alien jet fuel in... more
It's James Gunn week on the pod, and we're (finally) talking about the DC Studio head and his origins as... more
We are so back! It’s the finale (?) of the Spielberg UFO invasion trilogy this week. Joining us once again... more
The 2000s have officially arrived, and they’ve brought invisible flying saucers, depressed reverends, and some very mean green creatures who... more
Teachers stink! It’s our very first Robert Rodriguez joint this week. And perhaps the most ‘90s movie ever made. Come... more
The Willenium is here, y’all. We’re hitting yet another Will Smith classic this week with the Barry Sonnenfeld buddy-alien-cop caper,... more
We're fighting for our right to live this week! It may not be July but we are very much celebrating... more
Ack ack ack ack ack ack ack ack ack…ack ack Ack Ack ack ack ack! Ack ack ack Ack Ack... more
This week, we’re going full tin foil hat mode to investigate the mysterious (and “true”) abduction of Travis Walton. Did... more
Surprise! We didn’t originally have a James Cameron alien movie on the list for this miniseries…but then we fell into... more
What if aliens were already here? And all it took to see them was a pair of very rad 80s... more
There are alien cocoons in the pool! And they’re making the old people horny! Our hot streak of iconic directors... more
The master of horror returns! John Carpenter may not be known for his romantic road comedies…but STARMAN is a damn... more
Calling all (motorcycle) knights of the round table! On Sunday, September 15 at 7pm, Adam and Dom will be in... more
Another week, another entry for the sci fi hall of fame! Spielberg changed the game with his shiny little goblin,... more
It's pod people, pop psychologists, mud baths, and one very grumpy health inspector this week. Philip Kaufman's iconic remake is... more
Surprise! We are interrupting our regularly scheduled broadcasting for a very special transmission: The perfect organism is back! And... more
Grandpa Steve is back, and he's brought all kinds of funny little guys with him this time! Spielberg's CLOSE ENCOUNTERS... more
It's a glob, it's a mass, it's Steve McQueen? In a sci fi movie?! Yes it's THE BLOB.
Listeners, it's finally time for us to admit.....Klaatu barada nikto! Our alien invasion series has begun, and we're lifting off... more
Today we say goodbye to all Road Warriors, War Boys, War Pups, Toecutters, Imperators, Praetorians, Nightriders, Knightriders, and everyone else... more
Ready! Setty! GO! Here we are again, for the latest, greatest blockbuster thrill ride since FURY ROAD. It's George Miller's... more
V8! V8! V8! This week, we come face to face with the Conductor of the Choir of Death himself. It's... more
We asked, and you voted. Now, the results are in. On today's bonus episode, we breakdown the epic conclusion of... more
To the bat-tank! It's another bonus this week. Rachel Talalay's TANK GIRL may not exactly take place in George Miller's... more
Camelot is a state of mind. And a bonus (!) episode for our Mad Max series! This week it's George... more
Ladies and gentlemen...dying time's here. This week we travel beyond the Thunderdome for George Miller's third entry into the Mad... more
This week, we remember a time of chaos and ruined dreams, but most of all, we remember the road warrior.... more
Witness us bloodbags! This week, we kick off our latest miniseries, SHINY AND CHROME!! First up is the film that... more
Programs, we've reached the END OF LINE. We'll jack in one last time to close the book on our cyberpunk... more
This week, we're giving STEM full control. It's Leigh Whannell's UPGRADE! Here to break down the revenge and technological horror... more
We're back, but we're not even close to baseline. It's Denis Villeneuve's BLADE RUNNER: 2049! As our cyberpunk series nears... more
We port into the ENCOM servers one more time to cover the first sequel of our cyberpunk series. It's Joseph... more
We take a break from our cyberpunk series for a little MAYhem. After we cover our next film franchise, the... more
What does a scanner see? Into the head? Down into the heart? It's A SCANNER DARKLY. Richard Linklater's take on... more
Everybody runs, but nobody runs like Tom Cruise. Prolific video essayist Patrick Willems (!!) joins us for this extra-long MINORITY... more
Spielberg, Kubrick, and one of the greatest child actor performances of all time. It's AI ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE! Our cyberpunk series... more
Bio-ports, ski boots, and guns that shoot teeth... it's eXistenZ! A film that asks, "what if your VR headset had... more
This week, it's here... THE MATRIX! Built on bullet-time and broken ribs, The Wachowskis' groundbreaking and endlessly impactful classic brought... more
This week we enter a world where you're only known by strangers and the only constant is change... it's DARK... more
Have you ever jacked in? Wire-tripped? Experienced a Blackjack? This isn't just TV but better, it's STRANGE DAYS!
Strap on your data gloves and jack in. It's JOHNNY MNEMONIC. A film where Jesus is evil, Dolphins can code,... more
In a world dominated by machines, what does it mean to be human? Must we abandon our identity to attain... more
Is this a podcast, or just a memory of one? Does it matter? Come to Mars and find out as... more
Motorcycles. Telekinesis. Hypersonic sounds? It's AKIRA, the first anime of our Cyberpunk series, and if we're going to cover it... more
Welcome to Brazil! We're on the hunt for eye of the ducks in the ducts from Terry Gilliam's sci-fi masterpiece.... more
Greetings programs. We continue our journey through cyberspace today with Steven Lisberger's TRON! Was one of the most groundbreaking digital... more
Wake up, time to die! It’s the miniseries premiere(!!) of 20XX, our descent into the neon-tinted cultural movement known as... more
The new year is here, and our Cyberpunk miniseries is about to begin! But before that, we have some truly... more
Hail to the king, baby. Today we close the Necronomicon once and for all…that is, until they make a new... more
A new EVIL DEAD movie? From this year?! Yes, we are shooting up the high rise of the latest vision... more
Happy Holidays Duckheads! We're taking a load off and so should you. See you in 2024!
The book of the dead is back, and so are we. It's Fede Alvarez's remake (reboot? reimagining?) of the Sam... more
Who did it better? MONSTERS INC or CABIN IN THE WOODS? Listen to today's exploration of Joss Whedon, horror tropes,... more
Adam and Dom have an okay podcast, a good friendship, and a great obsession with Sam Raimi movies. But in... more
It wouldn't be an EVIL DEAD series if we didn't include BUBBA HO-TEP. Wait. It wouldn't be an EVIL DEAD... more
It's the movie that by all accounts should have been called MEDIEVAL DEAD...and the last entry in the iconic... more
Remake? Reboot? Or the Raimi's full, demented vision for a Looney Tunes style horror movie where the punchlines are his... more
Series premiere!! Spooky season may be coming to an end, but here at Eye of the Duck we party with... more
Today we say a sad farewell to one of the greatest and most creatively-inspired filmmaking movements Western cinema has ever... more
Our final bonus of the series! Joining us is our old friend, co-host of Into the Aether podcast, Stephen Hilger!... more
I will avenge you, father. I will save you, mother. I will kill you, Fjölnir. It's another bonus, baby. This... more
Bonus!! It’s been 2 whole years, and we’re doing something we’ve never done before….back in 2021 we shared a rare... more
Have to fly, have to fight, have to crow, have to save Maggie, have to save Jack, Hook is back!!... more
Somehow...George Lucas has returned! And also, our old friend, Desmond Thorne. Join us this week for a journey into the... more
Inconceivable! As we near the end of the 80s, one (kind of) dark fantasy movie stands proudly in our way...PRINCESS... more
You remind me of the babe. What babe? The babe with the power. What power? The power of voodoo. Who... more
There can only be one. And he's with us this week for HIGHLANDER! It's screenwriter, playwright, and co-host of the... more
What is light without dark? What are you without me? What is Eye of the Duck without Ridley Scott? The... more
Dorothy returns to Oz...kind of. This week we are joined by our series Assistant Programmer and great friend, Nik Long... more
Flying (not) dogs, muddy ponies, and the infinite Nothing. We're finally here! It's the moment '80s Dark Fantasy movies become... more
This week, we're talking wolves, baby. Man-wolves, She-wolves, werewolves, and even wolf-wolves. It's Neil Jordan's COMPANY OF WOLVES, and of... more
A thousand years ago, this land was green and good...until the Crystal cracked. Today, we return THE DARK CRYSTAL to... more
Kittridge is back. And so are we. Will you take the Oath?
[Whip sound!!!!] Today we rewind through a fissure in time and return to our Indiana Jones miniseries for one last... more
Between the time when the oceans drank Atlantis and the rise of the sons of Aryas, there was an age... more
In the Dark Ages, Magic was a weapon, Love was a mystery, Adventure was everywhere... and Dragons were real. Today... more
Podcasters of the round table, assemble. John Boorman's EXCALIBUR may be a bit grittier and more 1970s-esque than the bulk... more
Another world. Another time. In the age of wonder...Welcome to Part 1 of our 80s Dark Fantasy miniseries, LEGENDS OF... more
It's a classic romantic comedy. Lonely trash robot meets sentient space probe. You'll laugh. You'll cry. Your soul will be... more
When Ridley Scott goes to space, we follow. That's just the rule of our podcast. If you're a longtime listener,... more
Hold on. There's a whole other movie from 1998 about a doomed crew rocketing to outer space to board an... more
Houston, this is a kick-ass ride. Yup, it's ARMAGEDDON week. Returning to save the world from a second extinction is... more
We all knew this day would come. You could call this a bonus. You could call it a swerve. But,... more
Ever watch a movie so satisfyingly repulsive that you have no choice but to claw your eyes out and enter... more
Murph. We're coming home. Join us this week for one of those "this is why we started this podcast" kind... more
This is a space movie! It may only spend a total of like 20 minutes in outer space…but it still... more
Brad Pitt is a superhero. His superpower? Depression. On this week's episode, we travel to the outer limits of our... more
I. Hate. Space. This week we're finally saying the quiet part out loud with Alfonso Cuaron's landmark (and weirdly...forgotten?) space... more
Our sun is dying. Mankind faces extinction. And on this week's episode, we're strapping ourselves to the Icarus 2 (with... more
How many Sam Rockwells is too many Sam Rockwells? Joining us this week to talk Duncan Jones's MOON and answer... more
Ryan Gosling in space. Ryan. Gosling. In. Space. How did this movie not blow up? On today's episode, we're embarking... more
Houston, we have a podcast. Today we shut down the LEM and attempt to return to Earth, with the legendary... more
Here we are again, trapped in the conscience-eating orbital pull of Solaris. Except this time, George Clooney (and his exposed... more
This week, we drift into the ocean of Tarkovsky’s exceedingly human, empathetic (and definitely anti-2001), SOLARIS. Or, perhaps, the ocean... more
My god. It's full of stars.
It happened. The episode is here. It's Kubrick's foundational science fiction epic, and we tried our darnedest to contend with... more
It’s our 2 year anniversary, we’ve joined the Morbid Podcast Network, and we couldn’t be happier to be here. For... more
We made it! We’ve gone where no toy has gone before…to Disney Plus, where you can watch FORKY ASKS A... more
Eye of the Duck has joined the Morbid Podcast Network!
Griffin Newman returns to Eye of the Duck this week for Pixar’s LIGHTYEAR! And just to be clear, this isn’t... more
Bonus!! This week we depart the Pixar studio to answer the question, What if Raytheon manufactured children’s toys? It’s Joe... more
It’s…Forky! The dawn of a new era is here, and it’s all about a plastic spork and his love of... more
What is a good death when your God has abandoned you? TOY STORY 3 is courageous enough to explore such... more
How can you watch a TOY STORY movie and not completely emotionally unravel? This week we find ourselves, our trauma,... more
TOYS!! And returning champion Stephen Hilger is back! Welcome to the premiere of our December/January miniseries, BEYOND INFINITY. The TOY STORY... more
That's a wrap on our Romero series! No more zombies. For now. 2023 will be all mummies, all the time!... more
Bonus #3! It’s Dan O’Bannon’s gnarly punk rock black comedy, RETURN OF THE LIVING DEAD. This week is one of... more
At long last, we’ve arrived at the end of Romero’s run of (not) zombie movies. This week our old friend... more
I bet you didn’t know George Romero made a god dang found footage film. Yeah. We didn’t either! This week,... more
Romero returns! After exactly 20 years, the master of (not) zombie movies helps resurrect the genre for the modern day.... more
HAPPY HALLOWEEN! For our second and final bonus of our FALL OF THE DEAD miniseries, we are exploring the very... more
We're coming to get you, Barbara! This week we are NOT saying the "zed word" OR talking about a George... more
Bub, your Day has come. This podcast is for for all the Bub heads out there. It's Eye of the... more
Today we're joined by our friends from the Morbid podcast (and a new NY Times best-selling author!!) Alaina Urquhart and... more
New miniseries premiere!! The leaves are falling, the air is crisp, and the dead are rising from their graves. Welcome... more
Today, we're saying farewell to Ethan Hunt and our entire MISSION miniseries with the squad who helped us produce it.... more
TOP GUN BONUS. Pausing our exploration of MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE movies for a TOP GUN: MAVERICK bonus episode. No further information... more
At last, the fallout of our entire MISSION IMPOSSIBLE series is here. This week, it’s M:I-FALLOUT, featuring mustache drama, arm... more
It’s ROGUE NATION today, and we’d like to thank all the honorable workers out there, especially the members of the... more
We’ve initiated Ghost Protocol on Dom. For this week’s episode on the fourth MISSION IMPOSSIBLE film, Adam is joined by... more
What do random Italian garbage men, Ethan Hunt, a “traffic statistician”, and Philip Seymour Hoffman all have in common? They’re... more
MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE 2 is utter chaos. Batshit action drenched in sweat, fire, and doves. Finding one scene that could represent... more
Welcome to the premiere of our new miniseries, EYE: OF THE DUCK! Today's episode is all about the worst mission of... more
Jurassic Summer is over. Long live Jurassic Summer. Credits: Eye of the Duck is created, hosted, and produced, by Dom Nero and... more
It's a million degrees outside, and it feels like a swarm of flaming locusts are raining on the earth. It's... more
This week, we contend with the terrifying notion that in 2018, the Jurassic Park franchise goes from awe-inspiring to downright... more
We’re back! John Hammond told us to spare no expense. So here we are on PART 2 of our JURASSIC... more
Bonus episode!!! As we tie off our back-to-back Spielberg miniseries, we figured there'd never be a better time to figure... more
Somehow...Alan Grant has returned! This week we are hang-gliding back to Isla Sorna to meet the scary Spinosaurus and unpack... more
Thank god for Site B. This week's episode is all about Isla Sorna, the *other* InGen island full of genetically-engineered... more
[T-Rex roar] Our summer miniseries has begun! It's JURASSIC PARK!!! Dinosaurs, Spielberg, the birth of modern CGI, and the great and... more
What a miniseries! This week we're riding off into the sunset, wrapping up the 4 films we covered in our... more
It’s the final film of the INDIANA JONES saga (for now), and we finally got our chance to speak with... more
**BONUS*** For this week’s episode, we spent about 3 hours with the great Brendon Bigley living inside George Lucas's brain... more
What if Indiana Jones** had a dad? What if his dad was James Bond? And what if they were both... more
This week’s episode is all about holding many thoughts at once: Is TEMPLE OF DOOM racist? Yes. Is it mean-spirited?... more
Spring is here and it's the start of a new adventure for us here at Eye of the Duck. Over... more
Demon hotels, Liam Neeson, toxic fans, goblin babies, time-traveling ghouls, Things, Things, and more Things...we saw it all this winter.... more
This week, it’s John Carpenter’s THE THING! At last! We have arrived at the end of our icy tour of... more
What was the original THING that came before THE THING and also before the the prequel to THE THING? It's 1951’s... more
It’s March. The end of Winter Hell is upon us. To lead us into our THE THING finale, we’re warming... more
When we decided to do a winter horror miniseries, we left one slot open fantasizing that Alex Ross Perry (director... more
This week we are diving headfirst into the unstoppably insane monster showdown that SHOULD have started the first cinematic (dark)... more
**BONUS*** For this week’s episode, we spent about 3 hours with the great Brendon Bigley living inside George Lucas's brain and exploring... more