"Spaces" is a series by artist and writer Morgan Harper Nichols on cultivating dedicated areas for thinking, reflecting, and imagining. The focus... more
Thanks so much for listening!Here's where you can find Minaa B.’s incredible work!Minaa B.New Book: Owning Our Struggles: A Path... more
Thanks so much for listening!Here's where you can find Quantrilla Ard's amazing work!Quantrilla Ardwww.twitter.com/qyard08www.facebook.com/thephdmammawww.instagram.com/quannyboohttps://www.linkedin.com/in/quantrilla-ard-phd-mph-mphil-96b2374/https://youtube.com/@quantrillaardthephdmammahttps://www.tiktok.com/@thephdmamma?_t=8eksJcnOufC&_r=1-----This is a podcast by Artist and... more
Thanks so much for listening!Here's where you can find Chad Lawson's amazing work!- Chad Lawson's Music- Breathe (Guided Breathwork Edition)... more
Thanks so much for listening!Here's where you can find Kyunghee Kim's beautiful work!- See Us Bloom: Poems on Compassion, Acceptance,... more
Thanks so much for listening!Here's where you can check out Kyle's app, Lines of Zenhttps://apps.apple.com/redeem?ctx=offercodes&id=1539285742&code=MORGANHARPERNICHOLSUse the code MORGANHARPERNICHOLS and receive... more
Thank you for listening! Today's question: As you think about where you’re headed, what kind of support do you need?Mental... more
Thank you for listening! Today's question: What can you do today that is just for the story to tell?__Thank you... more
Thank you for listening! Today's question: What do you already know how to do that you can revisit today?__Thank you... more
Thank you for listening! Vote for Morgan’s Meditative Story, Heading halfway around the world to find myself, in the 2023 Webby... more
Thank you for listening! Today's question: What music or sounds is helping you feel less alone...even in a subtle?Here's the... more