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The Ezra Klein Show
The Ezra Klein Show
New York Times Opinion

Each Tuesday and Friday, Ezra Klein invites you into a conversation on something that matters. How do we address climate change if... more

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The Opinions: A Pro-Life Case for Harris and a Writing Contest With ChatGPT

Our Times Opinion colleagues recently launched a new podcast called “The Opinions.” It’s basically the Opinion page in audio form,... more

06 Sep 2024 · 27 minutes
On Children, Meaning, Media and Psychedelics

I feel that there’s something important missing in our debate over screen time and kids — and even screen time... more

03 Sep 2024 · 1 hour, 11 minutes
Best Of: Tired? Distracted? Burned Out? Listen to This.

I’m convinced that attention is the most important human faculty. Your life, after all, is just the sum total of... more

30 Aug 2024 · 57 minutes
Best Of: The Men — and Boys — Are Not Alright

We recently did an episode on the strange new gender politics that have emerged in the 2024 election. But we... more

27 Aug 2024 · 1 hour, 58 minutes
Kamala Harris Wants to Win

On Thursday night, Kamala Harris reintroduced herself to America. And by the standards of Democratic convention speeches, this one was... more

23 Aug 2024 · 43 minutes
Can the Democratic Party Reclaim Freedom?

Democrats spent the third night of their convention pitching themselves as the party of freedom. In this conversation, my producer... more

22 Aug 2024 · 43 minutes
The Obamas Strike Back

Is Obamaism making a comeback? Tuesday night at the Democratic National Convention, Michelle and Barack Obama electrified the crowd with... more

21 Aug 2024 · 39 minutes
Democrats Don’t Think They Have This Election Won

I’m reporting from the Democratic National Convention this week, so we’re going to try something a little different on the... more

20 Aug 2024 · 32 minutes
Manliness, Cat Ladies, Fertility Panic and the 2024 Election

A strange new gender politics is roiling the 2024 election. At the Republican National Convention, Donald Trump made his nomination... more

16 Aug 2024 · 1 hour, 30 minutes
Nate Silver on Kamala Harris’s Chances and the Mistakes of the ‘Indigo Blob’

Risk has been on my mind this year. For Democrats, the question of whether Joe Biden should drop out was... more

13 Aug 2024 · 1 hour, 6 minutes
Nancy Pelosi: ‘It Didn’t Sound Like Joe Biden to Me’

It’s been remarkable watching the Democratic Party act like a political party this past month — a party that makes... more

09 Aug 2024 · 58 minutes
Kamala Harris Isn’t Playing It Safe

In picking Tim Walz as her running mate, Kamala Harris is after more than just Pennsylvania. Mentioned: “Is Tim Walz the Midwestern... more

06 Aug 2024 · 30 minutes
‘We Have Created the Scarcity on Purpose’

The economy is one of the biggest vulnerabilities for Democrats this election and, in particular, the issue of affordability. Many... more

06 Aug 2024 · 49 minutes
Is Tim Walz the Midwestern Dad Democrats Need?

I’ve watched a lot of presidential campaigns, and I can’t remember one in which the contest for the Democratic vice-presidential... more

02 Aug 2024 · 59 minutes
What Democrats Can Learn From Gretchen Whitmer

Gretchen Whitmer is one of the names you often see on lists of Democratic V.P. contenders. She’s swatted that speculation... more

30 Jul 2024 · 47 minutes
This Is How Democrats Win in Wisconsin

The Democratic Party’s rallying around Kamala Harris — the speed of it, the intensity, the joyfulness, the memes — has... more

26 Jul 2024 · 1 hour,
Are Democrats Right to Unite Around Kamala Harris?

An open convention or a coronation aren’t the only two options. Mentioned: “Democrats Have a Better Option Than Biden” by The... more

23 Jul 2024 · 23 minutes
I Watched the Republican Convention. The Democrats Can Still Win.

This year’s Republican National Convention was Donald Trump’s third as the party’s nominee, but it was the first that felt... more

20 Jul 2024 · 49 minutes
The Trump Campaign’s Theory of Victory

The Trump campaign isn’t just expecting to win this election; it’s expecting to win it in a landslide. And top... more

18 Jul 2024 · 54 minutes
The Economic Theory Behind J.D. Vance’s Populism

When Donald Trump on Monday chose Senator J.D. Vance of Ohio as his running mate it excited populists — and... more

17 Jul 2024 · 1 hour, 16 minutes
The Real Danger Within the Democratic Party of a Fundamental Crack-Up

It was once a fringe opinion to say President Biden should drop his re-election bid and Democrats should embrace an... more

09 Jul 2024 · 55 minutes
Is Kamala Harris Underrated?

If Joe Biden steps aside for the Democratic presidential nomination — still a very big if — the favorite to... more

05 Jul 2024 · 1 hour, 2 minutes
How an Open Democratic Convention Would Work

After President Biden’s rough performance at the first presidential debate, the question of an open convention has roared to the... more

02 Jul 2024 · 1 hour, 2 minutes
What Is the Democratic Party For?

Top Democrats have closed ranks around Joe Biden since the debate. Should they? Mentioned: “This Isn’t All Joe Biden’s Fault” by... more

30 Jun 2024 · 17 minutes
After That Debate, the Risk of Biden Is Clear

I joined my Times Opinion colleagues Ross Douthat and Michelle Cottle to discuss the debate — and what Democrats might... more

28 Jun 2024 · 51 minutes
Trump’s Bold Vision for America: Higher Prices!

Donald Trump has made inflation a central part of his campaign message. At his rallies, he rails against “the Biden... more

21 Jun 2024 · 1 hour, 32 minutes
The Biggest Political Divide Is Not Left vs. Right

The biggest divide in our politics isn’t between Democrats and Republicans, or even left and right. It’s between people who... more

18 Jun 2024 · 1 hour, 10 minutes
The View From the Israeli Right

On Tuesday I got back from an eight-day trip to Israel and the West Bank. I happened to be there... more

14 Jun 2024 · 55 minutes
The Economic Theory That Explains Why Americans Are So Mad

There’s something weird happening with the economy. On a personal level, most Americans say they’re doing pretty well right now.... more

07 Jun 2024 · 1 hour, 31 minutes
The Republican Party’s Decay Began Long Before Trump

After Donald Trump was convicted last week in his hush-money trial, Republican leaders wasted no time in rallying behind him.... more

04 Jun 2024 · 1 hour, 6 minutes
Your Mind Is Being Fracked

The steady dings of notifications. The 40 tabs that greet you when you open your computer in the morning. The... more

31 May 2024 · 1 hour, 12 minutes
‘Artificial Intelligence?’ No, Collective Intelligence.

A.I.-generated art has flooded the internet, and a lot of it is derivative, even boring or offensive. But what could... more

24 May 2024 · 51 minutes
A Conservative Futurist and a Supply-Side Liberal Walk Into a Podcast …

“The Jetsons” premiered in 1962. And based on the internal math of the show, George Jetson, the dad, was born... more

21 May 2024 · 1 hour, 1 minute
The Disastrous Relationship Between Israel, Palestinians and the U.N.

The international legal system was created to prevent the atrocities of World War II from happening again. The United Nations... more

17 May 2024 · 57 minutes
This Is a Very Weird Moment in the History of Drug Laws

Drug policy feels very unsettled right now. The war on drugs was a failure. But so far, the war on... more

10 May 2024 · 1 hour, 2 minutes
Watching the Protests From Israel

Ultimately, the Gaza war protests sweeping campuses are about influencing Israeli politics. The protesters want to use economic divestment, American... more

07 May 2024 · 1 hour, 4 minutes
Is Green Growth Possible?

A decade ago, I was feeling pretty pessimistic about climate change. The politics of mitigating global warming just seemed impossible:... more

30 Apr 2024 · 1 hour, 3 minutes
Salman Rushdie Is Not Who You Think He Is

Salman Rushdie’s 1988 novel, “The Satanic Verses,” made him the target of Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, who denounced the book as... more

26 Apr 2024 · 59 minutes
This Conversation Made Me a Sharper Editor

In our recent series on artificial intelligence, I kept returning to a thought: This technology might be able to churn... more

23 Apr 2024 · 53 minutes
A $1.7 Million Toilet and Liberalism's Failure to Build

There is so much we need to build right now. The housing crunch has spread across the country; by one... more

16 Apr 2024 · 49 minutes
What if Dario Amodei Is Right About A.I.?

Back in 2018, Dario Amodei worked at OpenAI. And looking at one of its first A.I. models, he wondered: What... more

12 Apr 2024 · 1 hour, 32 minutes
Will A.I. Break the Internet? Or Save It?

The internet is in decay. Do a Google search, and there are so many websites now filled with slapdash content... more

05 Apr 2024 · 1 hour, 25 minutes
How Should I Be Using A.I. Right Now?

There’s something of a paradox that has defined my experience with artificial intelligence in this particular moment. It’s clear we’re... more

02 Apr 2024 · 1 hour, 14 minutes
The Rise of ‘Middle-Finger Politics’

Donald Trump can seem like a political anomaly. You sometimes hear people describe his connection with his base in quasi-mystical... more

29 Mar 2024 · 1 hour, 18 minutes
Matter of Opinion: Paul Krugman on Inflation, ‘Bad Vibes’ and 2024

We’ll be back on Friday with a new episode. In the meantime, we wanted to share one of our favorite... more

26 Mar 2024 · 36 minutes
The Deep Conflict Between Our Work and Parenting Ideals

American policy is uniquely hostile to families. Other wealthy countries guarantee paid parental leave and sick days and heavily subsidize... more

22 Mar 2024 · 1 hour, 6 minutes
Birthrates Are Plummeting Worldwide. Why?

For a long time, the story about the world’s population was that it was growing too quickly. There were going... more

19 Mar 2024 · 1 hour,
What a Second Biden Term Would Look Like

President Biden gave a raucous State of the Union speech last Thursday, offering his pitch for why he should be... more

12 Mar 2024 · 1 hour, 1 minute
How America’s Two Abortion Realities Are Clashing

When the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, it scrambled the landscape of abortion access in America, including in ways... more

08 Mar 2024 · 57 minutes
Marilynne Robinson on Biblical Beauty, Human Evil and the Idea of Israel

Marilynne Robinson is one of the great living novelists. She has won a Pulitzer Prize and a National Humanities Medal,... more

05 Mar 2024 · 1 hour, 2 minutes
The Wars in Ukraine and Gaza Have Changed. America’s Policy Hasn’t.

Joe Biden’s presidency has been dominated by two foreign policy crises: the wars in Ukraine and Gaza. The funding the... more

01 Mar 2024 · 1 hour, 3 minutes
Your Questions on Open Conventions, a Gaza Schism and Biden’s Chances

We received thousands of questions in response to last week’s audio essay arguing that Democrats should consider choosing a candidate... more

23 Feb 2024 · 51 minutes
Here’s How an Open Democratic Convention Would Work

Last week on the show, I argued that the Democrats should pick their nominee at the Democratic National Convention in... more

21 Feb 2024 · 1 hour, 2 minutes
Democrats Have a Better Option Than Biden

Biden is faltering and Democrats have no plan B. There is another path to winning in 2024 — and I... more

16 Feb 2024 · 25 minutes
Best Of: Status Games, Polyamory and the Merits of Meritocracy

For years, Agnes Callard has been on a mission to take ethical philosophy out of the ivory tower. She examines... more

13 Feb 2024 · 1 hour, 22 minutes
Building the Palestinian State With Salam Fayyad

“If only we had a partner for peace.” That’s been the refrain in the Israel-Palestinian conflict for as long as I’ve... more

09 Feb 2024 · 1 hour, 5 minutes
What Relationships Would You Want, if You Believed They Were Possible?

Around 40 percent of people who marry eventually get a divorce. Almost half of children are born to unmarried women.... more

06 Feb 2024 · 59 minutes
‘Why Haven’t the Democrats Completely Cleaned the Republicans’ Clock?’

Political analysts used to say that the Democratic Party was riding a demographic wave that would lead to an era... more

01 Feb 2024 · 1 hour, 9 minutes
‘The Strongest Democratic Party That Any of Us Have Ever Seen’

If you’re a Democrat, how worried should you be right now? It’s strangely hard to answer that question. On the... more

25 Jan 2024 · 1 hour, 8 minutes
‘I Have No Idea How This Ends. I’ve Never Seen It So Broken.’

It’s been just over 100 days since Hamas’s attack on Israel, and the costs of the war are staggering. In... more

19 Jan 2024 · 1 hour, 8 minutes
A Republican Pollster on Trump’s Undimmed Appeal

The fact that Donald Trump is the front-runner for the G.O.P. nomination in 2024 has created a chasm in our... more

16 Jan 2024 · 48 minutes
Should Trump Be Barred From the Ballot?

There’s this incredible dissonance at the center of our politics right now. On the one hand, all the polling suggests... more

12 Jan 2024 · 1 hour, 2 minutes
How to Discover Your Own Taste

Being on the internet just doesn’t feel as fun anymore. As more of our digital life is driven by algorithms,... more

09 Jan 2024 · 1 hour, 2 minutes
Tired? Distracted? Burned-Out? Listen to This.

I’m convinced that attention is the most important human faculty. Your life, after all, is just the sum total of... more

05 Jan 2024 · 56 minutes
Best Of: The Most Amazing — and Dangerous — Technology in the World

“We rarely think about chips, yet they’ve created the modern world,” writes the historian Chris Miller. He’s not exaggerating. Semiconductors power... more

26 Dec 2023 · 58 minutes
Best Of: The ‘Quiet Catastrophe’ Brewing in Our Social Lives

The holidays are one of the most social times of the year, filled with parties and family get-togethers. Many of... more

22 Dec 2023 · 1 hour, 14 minutes
How the Israel-Gaza Conversations Have Shaped My Thinking

It’s become something of a tradition on “The Ezra Klein Show” to end the year with an “Ask Me Anything”... more

19 Dec 2023 · 56 minutes
India Is Transforming. But Into What?

India is known as a country of paradoxes, and a new one has recently emerged. At the same time that... more

12 Dec 2023 · 1 hour,
A Different Path Israel Could Have Taken — and Maybe Still Can

Before Oct. 7, Israel appeared to many to be sliding into a “one-state reality,” where it had functional control over... more

08 Dec 2023 · 59 minutes
‘This Is How Hamas Is Seeing This’

Here are two thoughts I believe need to be held at once: Hamas’s attack on Oct. 7 was heinous, murderous... more

05 Dec 2023 · 1 hour, 3 minutes
A Lot Has Happened in A.I. Let’s Catch Up.

Thursday marked the one-year anniversary of the release of ChatGPT. A lot has happened since. OpenAI, the makers of ChatGPT,... more

01 Dec 2023 · 1 hour, 10 minutes
Best Of: This Is Your Brain on Deep Reading. It’s Pretty Magnificent.

Every day, we consume a mind-boggling amount of information. We scan online news articles, sift through text messages and emails,... more

28 Nov 2023 · 1 hour, 10 minutes
The Best Primer I’ve Heard on Israeli-Palestinian Peace Efforts

It is too early to talk about a peace deal between Israel and the Palestinians. With the trauma of Oct.... more

21 Nov 2023 · 1 hour, 9 minutes
The Sermons I Needed to Hear Right Now

This is a conversation about the relationship between Jewishness and the Jewish State. About believing some aspects of Israel have... more

17 Nov 2023 · 56 minutes
Are Democrats Whistling Past the Graveyard?

A New York Times and Siena College poll released Nov. 5 showed Donald Trump leading Joe Biden in five of... more

14 Nov 2023 · 1 hour, 5 minutes
What Israelis Fear the World Does Not Understand

Earlier this week, we heard a Palestinian perspective on the conflict. Today, I wanted to have on an Israeli perspective. Yossi... more

10 Nov 2023 · 1 hour, 4 minutes
An Intense, Searching Conversation With Amjad Iraqi

Before there can be any kind of stable coexistence of people in Israel and Palestine, there will have to be... more

07 Nov 2023 · 1 hour, 5 minutes
She Polled Gazans on Oct. 6. Here’s What She Found.

The day before Hamas’s horrific attacks in Israel, the Arab Barometer, one of the leading polling operations in the Arab... more

03 Nov 2023 · 45 minutes
If Not This, Then What Should Israel Do?

“Two things are true: Israel must do something, and what it’s doing now is indefensible.” So writes Zack Beauchamp, a... more

31 Oct 2023 · 1 hour, 4 minutes
The Conflicted Legacy of Mitt Romney

After factional infighting dominated the G.O.P.’s struggle to elect a House speaker, it feels weirdly quaint to revisit Mitt Romney’s... more

27 Oct 2023 · 1 hour, 7 minutes
The Jewish Left Is Trying to Hold Two Thoughts at Once

Grief moves slowly and war moves quickly. After Hamas assailants killed at least 1,400 Israelis and took hundreds more hostage,... more

24 Oct 2023 · 1 hour, 4 minutes
Israel Is Giving Hamas What It Wants

Oct. 7 was Israel’s Sept. 11. That’s been the refrain. I fear that analogy carries so much more truth than... more

18 Oct 2023 · 15 minutes
We Need Better Narratives About Gender

It’s a time of contrast and contradiction for gender queerness in America: At the same time that about 5 percent... more

10 Oct 2023 · 1 hour, 5 minutes
Meet the ‘Angry, Aggrieved’ New Right

The New Right has been associated with everyone from Senator Josh Hawley of Missouri to right-wing influencers and Catholic integralists.... more

03 Oct 2023 · 53 minutes
Two Attorneys Rank the Severity of Trump’s Indictments

With four ongoing criminal investigations, Donald Trump is the most indicted president in U.S. history. After years of defying unwritten... more

26 Sep 2023 · 55 minutes
Boundaries, Burnout and the 'Goopification' of Self-Care

Love it or hate it, self-care has transformed from a radical feminist concept into a multibillion-dollar industry. But the wellness... more

19 Sep 2023 · 55 minutes
America’s Top Librarian on the Rise of Book Bans

Public libraries around the country have become major battlegrounds for today’s culture wars. In 2022, the American Library Association noted... more

12 Sep 2023 · 47 minutes
What Have We Learned From a Summer of Climate Reckoning?

This summer has been a parade of broken climate records. June was the hottest June and July was not just... more

05 Sep 2023 · 1 hour, 4 minutes
It’s Time to Talk About ‘Pandemic Revisionism’

Should schools have been closed down? Were lockdowns a mistake? Was masking even effective? Was the economic stimulus too big? These... more

29 Aug 2023 · 1 hour, 3 minutes
When Great Power Conflict and Climate Action Collide

The global decarbonization effort is colliding headfirst with the realities of great power politics. China currently controls more than 75... more

22 Aug 2023 · 1 hour, 24 minutes
This Conservative Thinks America’s Institutions ‘Earned’ Their Distrust

You can’t understand the modern Republican Party without understanding the complete collapse of trust in mainstream institutions that has taken... more

15 Aug 2023 · 54 minutes
A Conservative on How His Party Has Changed Since 2016

The 2024 Republican presidential primary is officially underway, and Donald Trump is dominating the field. But this is a very... more

08 Aug 2023 · 56 minutes
How Martin Wolf Understands This Global Economic Moment

The world economy has experienced many shocks over the past few years: A pandemic. Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Skyrocketing inflation.... more

01 Aug 2023 · 1 hour, 29 minutes
Biden, Psychedelics, Twitter, My New Book — and So Much More

As I head into a three-month book leave, I wanted to take some time to address a wide array of... more

25 Jul 2023 · 1 hour, 15 minutes
Barbara Kingsolver Thinks Urban Liberals Have It All Wrong on Appalachia

When Barbara Kingsolver set out to write her latest novel, “Demon Copperhead,” she was already considered one of the most... more

21 Jul 2023 · 1 hour, 1 minute
What We Learned From the Deepest Look at Homelessness in Decades

California has around half of the nation’s unsheltered homeless population. The state’s homelessness crisis has become a talking point for... more

18 Jul 2023 · 1 hour, 2 minutes
What Tom Hanks Thinks of America

There are few actors as widely beloved as Tom Hanks. Hanks has acted in over 75 films in his 46-year... more

14 Jul 2023 · 51 minutes
A.I. Could Solve Some of Humanity’s Hardest Problems. It Already Has.

Since the release of ChatGPT, huge amounts of attention and funding have been directed toward chatbots. These A.I. systems are... more

11 Jul 2023 · 1 hour, 28 minutes
This Taught Me a Lot About How Decarbonization Is Really Going

The Inflation Reduction Act was the largest piece of climate legislation ever passed in the United States, setting aside hundreds... more

07 Jul 2023 · 1 hour, 29 minutes
Best Of: A Revelatory Tour of Martin Luther King Jr.’s Forgotten Teachings

It’s hard to think of a more celebrated figure of the 20th century than Martin Luther King Jr. He has a... more

04 Jul 2023 · 1 hour, 34 minutes
What’s Really Going On in Russia?

Last weekend, in the course of about 36 hours, Vladimir Putin faced — and then survived — one of the... more

30 Jun 2023 · 1 hour, 8 minutes
How ‘Being Animal’ Could Help Us Be Better Humans

One of the oldest human ideas is that we are somehow different from animals, somehow superior to them. That’s a... more

27 Jun 2023 · 42 minutes
Why This Economist Wants to Give Every Poor Child $50,000

“Wealth is the paramount indicator of economic prosperity and well-being,” says the economist Darrick Hamilton. He’s right. Policy analysis tends... more

23 Jun 2023 · 52 minutes
What the Heck Is Going on With These U.F.O. Stories?

Earlier this month, a news outlet called The Debrief published a story that included, to put it mildly, some explosive... more

20 Jun 2023 · 1 hour, 11 minutes
Why Do So Few Democrats Want Biden to Run in 2024?

A recent AP-NORC poll found that just a quarter of voters, including only around half of Democrats, want to see... more

16 Jun 2023 · 1 hour, 2 minutes
What We Learned Reading Ron DeSantis's Books

Although 12 candidates have entered the Republican presidential race so far, only Gov. Ron DeSantis of Florida is polling anywhere... more

13 Jun 2023 · 1 hour, 5 minutes
What Communes and Other Radical Experiments in Living Together Reveal

“Today’s future-positive writers critique our economies while largely seeming to ignore that anything might be amiss in our private lives,”... more

09 Jun 2023 · 1 hour, 10 minutes
The Book I Wish Every Policymaker Would Read

My pitch for this episode is simple: Jennifer Pahlka has written one of the best policy books I’ve ever read. Pahlka... more

06 Jun 2023 · 1 hour, 13 minutes
Beyond the ‘Matrix’ Theory of the Mind

Some thoughts on how humans think, how economies grow and why the technologies we think will help so often hurt. Column: “Beyond... more

04 Jun 2023 · 18 minutes
Fareed Zakaria on Where Russia’s War in Ukraine Stands — and Much More

A lot about the world has changed since February 2022, when Russia invaded Ukraine. The war itself has brought a... more

02 Jun 2023 · 1 hour, 30 minutes
Matter of Opinion: A Look at the 2024 G.O.P. Primary Field

Today we’re bringing you an episode from the latest New York Times Opinion podcast, “Matter of Opinion.” It’s a chat... more

30 May 2023 · 32 minutes
If You’re Reading This, You’re Probably ‘WEIRD’

Here’s a little experiment. Take a second to think about how you would fill in the blank in this sentence:... more

26 May 2023 · 1 hour, 11 minutes
The Teen Mental Health Crisis, Part 2

The data is clear: Levels of anxiety, depression, self-harm and suicide have spiked for American teenagers over the last decade.... more

23 May 2023 · 1 hour, 8 minutes
The Teen Mental Health Crisis, Part 1

We’re in the midst of a serious teen mental health crisis. The number of teenagers and young adults with clinical... more

19 May 2023 · 1 hour, 20 minutes
A Libertarian and I Debate the Debt Ceiling

On Jan. 19, the United States officially hit its debt limit. In response, the Treasury Department began using accounting maneuvers... more

16 May 2023 · 56 minutes
Best Of: A Weird, Wonderful Conversation with Kim Stanley Robinson

Kim Stanley Robinson is one of the great living science fiction writers and one of the most astute observers of... more

12 May 2023 · 1 hour, 32 minutes
Best Of: Why Adults Lose the ‘Beginner’s Mind’

Here’s a sobering thought: The older we get, the harder it is for us to learn, to question, to reimagine.... more

09 May 2023 · 1 hour, 1 minute
Best Of: How the Fed Is ‘Shaking the Entire System’

On Monday, First Republic Bank folded before being sold by regulators to JPMorgan Chase. At the time, it was the... more

05 May 2023 · 1 hour, 25 minutes
The Culture Creating A.I. Is Weird. Here’s Why That Matters.

In recent months, we’ve witnessed the rise of chatbots that can pass law and business school exams, artificial companions who’ve... more

02 May 2023 · 1 hour, 5 minutes
Democrats: Pay Attention to What’s Happening in California

California is a land of contrasts. The state is home to staggering wealth, world-remaking tech companies, and some of the... more

28 Apr 2023 · 1 hour, 18 minutes
Best Of: The War Within the Republican Party

On Monday, Fox News abruptly announced that the network and its star primetime host, Tucker Carlson, “have agreed to part... more

25 Apr 2023 · 1 hour, 23 minutes
Matthew Desmond On America’s Addiction to Poverty

According to the Center on Poverty and Social Policy at Columbia University, 14.3 percent of Americans — nearly 50 million... more

21 Apr 2023 · 1 hour, 17 minutes
The ‘Quiet Catastrophe’ Brewing in Our Social Lives

It’s impossible to deny that the U.S. has a serious loneliness problem. One 2018 report by the Kaiser Family Foundation... more

18 Apr 2023 · 1 hour, 14 minutes
This Philosopher Wants Liberals to Take Political Power Seriously

America today faces a crisis of governance. In the face of numerous challenges — from climate change, to housing shortages,... more

14 Apr 2023 · 1 hour, 4 minutes
What Biden’s Top A.I. Thinker Concluded We Should Do

In October, the White House released a 70-plus-page document called the “Blueprint for an A.I. Bill of Rights.” The document’s... more

11 Apr 2023 · 1 hour, 13 minutes
Why A.I. Might Not Take Your Job or Supercharge the Economy

Typically when we put out a call for audience questions, there’s no single topic that dominates. This time was different.... more

07 Apr 2023 · 1 hour, 3 minutes
The Most Amazing — and Dangerous — Technology in the World

“We rarely think about chips, yet they’ve created the modern world,” writes the historian Chris Miller. He’s not exaggerating. Semiconductors don’t... more

04 Apr 2023 · 57 minutes
Best Of: A Powerful Theory of Why the Far Right Is Thriving Across the Globe

In last November's midterm elections, voters placed the Republican Party in charge of the House of Representatives. In 2024, it’s... more

31 Mar 2023 · 1 hour, 31 minutes
Trump’s Legal Jeopardy and America’s Political Crossroads

Donald Trump’s legal troubles are mounting. A Manhattan grand jury investigation into the hush-money payment to Stormy Daniels could soon... more

28 Mar 2023 · 58 minutes
A Radical Way of Thinking About Money

It’s been two weeks since the Silicon Valley Bank run, and we’re still feeling the ripple effects — not just... more

24 Mar 2023 · 1 hour, 2 minutes
The Ezra Klein Show
The Most Amazing — and Dangerous — Technology in the World
The Ezra Klein Show

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“We rarely think about chips, yet they’ve created the modern world,” writes the historian Chris Miller. He’s not exaggerating. Semiconductors don’t just power... more