Welcome to The Story Church Podcast, where we bring the heart of our community in Comstock Park, MI, right to your ears.... more
What could God do in your life if you were completely devoted to Him, including with your finances? In exploring... more
Are you holding onto a scorecard of blame in your life? Through the story of Jesus healing a man born... more
If God answered all your prayers today, would it change anyone else's life but your own? By exploring the life... more
Have you ever faced a decision where every option seemed to lead to a loss? Through the story of Daniel... more
Have you ever considered how pride might be blinding you to the truth about yourself? Through the story of King... more
What or who do you truly worship in your life? Through the story of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, you will... more
Do you truly believe that God still performs miracles and speaks into our lives today? Through the story of Daniel... more
Have you ever wondered where your true identity lies amidst the pressures of the world? Through the story of Daniel,... more
Are you ready for a New Year that truly transforms you from the inside out? In this exploration of resilience... more
Have you ever wondered how to approach God with boldness and confidence? In this reflection, you will learn how to... more