Honey and the Hex is a sibling duo exploring the origins, traditions and intersections of folklore and where they lie today. Each... more
Spring is here! Ostara, also known as the Spring Equinox, is a pagan festival that celebrates the arrival of spring... more
Romulus and Remus, Mary Kate, and Ashley. It’s hard to deny that the world finds twins fascinating. But what of... more
When you think of Valentine’s Day, do you think of commercial hell wrapped in a bow? What if we told... more
How much would you risk for aesthetically pleasing walls? Just ask the Victorians. Their lust for lavish lifestyles resulted in... more
Don’t have a home security system? We’ve got you covered. Stop thieves entering your house by chopping off the left... more
Did you know there are approximately 30 thousand lochs in Scotland? We’ve all heard of the Loch Ness Monster, but... more
Want to know how to get away with not paying your £10000 bill at The Langham, and get a complimentary... more
Disclaimer: This isn’t Twilight. London in the 1970s was in a vampire frenzy. And who better to solve it than... more
Un-Loki for some? It is said that If 13 people sit at a table, then one of them must die... more
No time to wash your clothes this month? Look no further, the Bean Nighe is here for you. She offers... more