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Degrees: Real talk about planet-saving careers
Degrees: Real talk about planet-saving careers
Yesh Pavlik Slenk

Want to use your job to tackle climate change? Today there are more opportunities across industries to find a job and have... more

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Katharine Hayhoe on how to start climate conversations

Greening your job often means talking about sustainability and climate solutions at work. But how do you talk about climate... more

15 Nov 2023 · 33 minutes
How to land one of the millions of new clean energy jobs

Federal legislation is projected to create 1.5 million new jobs in infrastructure and clean energy each year for the next... more

08 Nov 2023 · 21 minutes
How to green your faith communities with Rev Dr. Ambrose F. Carroll

When it comes to green careers — and planet-saving vocations — there’s a huge sector many of us overlook: faith... more

01 Nov 2023 · 26 minutes
The climate fight at the heart of the PR industry

After a squirrely career path, Solitaire Townsend found her role in the sustainability movement by filling a big communication gap:... more

25 Oct 2023 · 20 minutes
Hotline Episode! Sustainability careers expert Shannon Houde answers your career questions

Is the green job search making you feel downtrodden? Do you have application burnout? Do you lie awake at night... more

18 Oct 2023 · 30 minutes
Hollywood screenwriter and producer Scott Z. Burns on making climate change central to storytelling

Scott Z. Burns intends to be part of climate action, and he’s using his prolific storytelling talents to both entertain... more

11 Oct 2023 · 18 minutes
From mud cakes to high stakes with Youth Climate Collaborative’s Pooja Tilvawala

Ever wonder what it’s like to bring your own seat to the table at one of the world’s largest, high-stakes... more

04 Oct 2023 · 20 minutes
Eco-anxiety is fueling a new green career: climate psychology

You likely have lots of feelings about living in a changing climate: from anger to frustration, dread and anxiety, but... more

27 Sep 2023 · 24 minutes
Creating zero waste in an unexpected place: the hair care industry

Creating a green career out of thin air? That’s bananas! Literally. Ciara Imani May is the CEO of the company... more

20 Sep 2023 · 23 minutes
How a punk-rocking paralegal harnessed employee power to green Microsoft

Struggling to find a sustainability job? Well, good news. You don’t have to find one…you can MAKE one. Drew Wilkinson... more

13 Sep 2023 · 29 minutes
Introducing Season 6: How to Green Your Job

More than half of Gen Z and millennials are pressuring employers to green their companies — and almost that many... more

07 Sep 2023 · 2 minutes
How to green any job with Project Drawdown's Jamie Beck Alexander

Struggling to find a “climate job?” Hit pause on that Google search and ponder a radically different solution to your... more

31 May 2023 · 18 minutes
The great electrician shortage: a bonus episode from The Carbon Copy with Stephen Lacey

The table is set for widespread electrification. But, facing a shortage of electricians to make it happen, could this be... more

24 May 2023 · 30 minutes
Learn how to build your climate experience with Terra.do founder Anshuman Bapna

In 2020, Anshuman Bapna needed a major shift in his life, a professional one. With the magnitude and urgency of... more

17 May 2023 · 21 minutes
Transfer Your Skills to a Green Job with Work on Climate’s Eugene Kirpichov

Eugene Kirpichov had a great job as a software engineer at Google. But he left it all behind. As he... more

10 May 2023 · 22 minutes
How to network for a green job with purpose-driven LinkedIn expert Nick@Noon

Building a network in a new field is tough. But 80% of all jobs are found through networking—and to get... more

03 May 2023 · 19 minutes
Browngirl Green’s Kristy Drutman: Taking the mystery out of finding a green job

When you know you want a green job but you have no idea how to find organizations that fit you... more

26 Apr 2023 · 19 minutes
Introducing ‘The Year of the Climate Job,” a special Degrees mini-series

Searching for a green job can be a slog. From job postings with endless lists of qualifications to the lousy... more

19 Apr 2023 · 2 minutes
How Heather McTeer Toney is redefining climate action for the next generation of leaders

Elected one of the youngest Black female mayors in the United States before serving as administrator of the EPA’s southeastern... more

09 Nov 2022 · 44 minutes
The future of climate-smart ag and the hot politics of your dinner plate

Thousands of jobs and billions of dollars are at stake in the political fight over how climate-friendly our food supply... more

02 Nov 2022 · 44 minutes
Degrees: Real talk about planet-saving careers
Introducing Season 6: How to Green Your Job
Degrees: Real talk about planet-saving careers

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More than half of Gen Z and millennials are pressuring employers to green their companies — and almost that many would switch... more