Join us as we delve into the world of student debt. Leave us a voicemail with your story at (510) 479-0323. Tune... more
Matter of Life and Debt announces a temporary hiatus for January, during which the podcast is regrouping to redefine its... more
This episode of the Matter of Life and Debt podcast features a follow-up interview with Bri Franklin, founder of The... more
Co-host Shanna and Talia are joined by Nikki as they celebrate the 3-year anniversary of Matter of Life and Debt!... more
In this podcast episode, Talia and Nikki discuss The Debt Collective Zine -In The Red: Out of the Darkness. In... more
We kick off this episode by discussing the Debt Collectives, “B**** Better Have Our Money” tool, which leverages the legal... more
🎙️ Update: The world of student debt is buzzing, and we can't wait to share what's in store after the... more
We’re thrilled to announce the release of a bonus episode featuring special guests Thomas Gokey and Luke Herrine, co-founders of... more
In this episode, host Nikki Nolan welcomes back Thomas Gokey, co-founder of the Debt Collective, to discuss the challenges and... more
During this episode, our focus is on the latest updates related to student debt. In our spotlight section, we feature... more
Today's episode features Shanna, Talia, and Nikki delving into the latest student debt news. Our spotlight segment features Alicia Davis... more