A Graziher podcast telling stories of women who live in rural, regional and remote Australia. Hear from farmers, mothers, photographers, business owners... more
The spark that ignited the Graziher concept was founder Claire Dunne's frustration at not seeing enough farming women represented in... more
Life on the Land's Summer Series continues with Graziher's Editor Victoria Carey digging into the archives for her pick, Maya... more
Our Summer Series continues with a favourite pick from our podcast producer Jayne Cuddihy. For Jayne, it’s the way people tell... more
We're highlighting some amazing Australian authors this summer and it just so happens Life on the Land's Sammie O'Brien's favourite... more
It's summer time! Which of course means the Graziher team pick a favourite Life on the Land podcast episode to... more
The sounds of an Australian summer- it can be the blast of a branding furnace, cricket on the radio, delighted... more
According to the Grattan Institute - statistically – those with a non-English language background have twice the chance at meeting... more
Melissa Neilsen is a remarkable woman whose journey has taken her from the small Central Queensland town of Biloela, to... more
Chanel Bowen is a producer and film maker based in Western Australia. The 31-year-old was awarded the Australians In Film... more
Five years ago, Jackie Elliott took the ultimate leap of faith. Despite being in a loving relationship, surrounded by good... more