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Kaalavastha: Kerala Podcast
Kaalavastha: Kerala Podcast
World Bank

Kaalavastha can be roughly translated as 'weather' in Malayalam. Monsoons in Kerala bathe the state in verdant splendor. Even as this tropical... more

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In this last and final episode of our 6-part series on climate change and the meaning of resilience, we delve... more

09 Oct 2020 · 30 minutes
Fabric, Folklore, and Fish

Kerala’s economy relies heavily on things that are native and unique to the State - its natural resources, traditions, and... more

08 Sep 2020 · 30 minutes
Taking People Along

Over the last few years Kerala has been experiencing crop failures and productivity loss, exacerbated by the recent floods and landslides that severely damaged the agricultural sector. Climate... more

23 Aug 2020 · 29 minutes
Two Flows

Following the theme laid out in episode 1 and 2 on prioritizing environmental consciousness, in this episode we look into how Kerala’s new resilience building activities are integrating this priority into its two... more

09 Aug 2020 · 32 minutes
If A River Doesn’t Flood, It Isn’t A River

The Great Flood of 1924 is often considered a landmark moment in Kerala’s history, such that people who experienced it anchor their memories in relation to this event. Smaller floods occurred in... more

27 Jul 2020 · 24 minutes
It Starts with a Drought

Over the past 5 years, the annual monsoons in Kerala have been changing dramatically. Climate change has brought with it... more

13 Jul 2020 · 25 minutes
Welcome to Kaalavastha

The Kaalavastha podcast series aims to capture some of the stories behind how Kerala is building a more resilient future... more

15 Jun 2020 · 5 minutes