Pressing beyond unyielding roadblocks in order to live out one's true purpose.
A dream that seems impossible can be six degrees away.
How the Truman Committee Battled Corruption and Helped Win World War Two
Serenity for the new year.
There is beauty in suffering.
Steve Wright....his challenge on the field was no match to the growth he tackled off the field.
We will never be able to give back what we owe.
Leadership is more than a professional track. It's about leading through personal stories.
Not a book signing but a book singing.
A local stage circling the globe.
Losing one's greatest love can be the greatest motivator.
Follow before you lead as did Nate Glover
Beauty from the ashes.
Engage, marry and reengage.
No dream is too big.
False identity to authenticity.
A new kind of comfort.
Not every "no" is bad.
How one family pressed beyond and navigated through the most devastating of circumstances yet, remained steadfast in their faith.
Everyone has a story to tell.
Red Splat Productions
February, the month of chocolates, hearts and diamond rings. But, love is not a holiday.
Live by the year or by the day?
Happy New Year
Rebekah Sharpe takes the bad to use for good.
Setting boundaries through the holidays.
Lisa Ann Goldsmith
So much to be thankful for. It's all gravy.
John Stanko on a mission with PurposeQuest and Urban Press.
Finding friendships and fellowship.
Ever experience pressure to purchase?
Iron Horse Theatre
Best winners are the ones who know how to lose.
The art of criticism. Either motivating or hindering.
Swapping out the news desk for a new life.
Life Happens when we least expect it. Question is, how do we handle the unexpected?
North of 50? What's your next chapter? From being retired to being rewired.
What one will do to keep a promise.
No matter how hard we work, we need to play harder.
People's Choice Awards for best female podcast. Nominated....Pressing Beyond
Never underestimate the underdog.
How a broken past can fulfill a promise.
A new chapter after the end.
Another chance, another dream.
Shay Eskew. A man's past purposed to inspire.
Eighteen years. Worth the wait.
One woman's past purposed for a miracle.
Less time doing and more time being still.
A small idea turns into a large dream.
How many followers? How many likes? How many friends?
From help to happy endings.
Make a commitment but don't break the bank.
Farming is the best education.
Nomading the planet.
The biggest regret is not seizing the moment when we have the chance.
A runner's dream....crossing the finish line.
What happens when the life we took years to build is no longer an option?
Waiting for the right time? No such thing.
Not all dreams come to fruition. What then?
What happens when the dream dies? When your purpose is no longer viable?
No such thing as luck. Preparation, planning and perseverance to reach your purpose.