Writer Unleashed is a weekly podcast for fiction and memoir writers. It's a deep dive into story techniques, writing craft, and the... more
Ever wish you could expand time and give more energy to your writing? In this episode, you'll learn about two... more
When is it a good idea to write from multiple points of view, rather than one point of view? And... more
What do you do when you're stuck in a scene, or you know the scene isn't working, and you just... more
Now that we're in a brand new year, it's a good time to reflect on what worked in the past... more
You’ve lost motivation and may even have stopped writing altogether. So how do you get your mojo back so you... more
Getting results in our writing is great. But a result-oriented mindset can hinder creativity and authenticity. In this throwback... more
The most common struggle writers have when writing a novel is structure. Both plotters and pantsers get overwhelmed with the... more
Why do we read stories? And why do we write them? We'll uncover the irresistible pull stories have on us,... more
Keeping your story grounded in time balances the pace of your story and helps readers navigate your character’s journey. But... more
Well, it's officially gift giving season, and your family and friends might be asking, “What do you want for Christmas?”... more