Two Moms. (Not married.) (Actually, married. Just not to each other.) Four kids. Two husbands. 6 dogs. Minimally, 2 glasses of wine.... more
Who needs fitness classes when you’re sprinting through airports every weekend?? This tour is so much fun and also…. so.... more
Mothering isn’t all sunshine and rainbows. Sometimes it feels like a street fight. We are keeping our cool but if you mess... more
Ladies, we are on the road and we're REPLAYING one of our favorite episodes all about travel! What are... more
As much as we love to joke about our kids, we are so proud of them. Today, we talk Benson... more
Ladies, today we're talking about our favorite filthy hair bands. Walk down memory lane and sing along with us. And... more
Where we grew up, anybody could parent anybody’s kid. We were given talkin-to’s from everyone from the neighbor to the... more
It's Valentines Day and you know what that means....Kristin and Jen are grossing each other out and giggling about all... more
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Hormones are a crazy ride. Either you are dealing with them with hormonal kids or maybe your hormones are kicking... more
We can’t get our kids into the shower, can you? Today we’re talking about greasy hair, new mom friends and... more